This is what soft skills are
Skills that are desirable and important in all professions (also called interpersonal skills or transferrable skills)
This is what you fill out in order to express your interest in a job
This is the term for the place where you work
These are examples of how you can practice good hygiene
Shower, brush teeth, brush hair, use deodorant, wear clean clothes
Name three jobs that high schoolers can do
Fast food, grocery stores, retail, summer camps, babysitting
This skill is the ability to work with others
This is a document you create that outlines your work experience, education, and skills
This is the term for the least amount that you can get paid for the work you do
Minimum wage
This is when you should use your cellphone at work
During a break
This is how long a resume should be
1 page
This is what you should do if you are sick and can't come to work
Call your boss
This is a conversation between you and an employer where they will decide if you will work there
This is the term for when your paycheck gets put directly into your bank account
Direct deposit
This is what you should do if there are no customers at the store you work at
Find other tasks -- cleaning, restocking, etc.
This is the first thing you should do when you get to work
Clock in
This skill includes being able to switch tasks quickly, adapt to change, or do something you don't typically do
This is how you should dress for an interview -- be specific!
Khakis or slacks, polo or button down shirt, blouse, skirt or dress knee length or longer
These are the extra perks beyond what you are paid (vacation time, health insurance, free meals, etc.)
These are professional ways to start an email
This is the calendar days included in your paycheck, as well as the schedule for getting paid
Pay period
These are areas of your daily life/activities where you can practice soft skills
School, clubs, sports, building legos, baking/following recipes, group projects, homework...
This is the department responsible for hiring, firing, and fielding employee's concerns
Human Resources (HR)
These are some "cons" to working with your friends
Distracting, lower productivity, others feel left out or uncomfortable
This is taken out of your paycheck in order for the government to pay for things we need and use