Day 1: Truth comes from ____
David fought Goliath... with what?
A rock and a sling
What is a prophet?
God's messenger
How old was King Josiah when he became a king?
8 years old
Tell me 2 Kindergarten teachers names
Day 2: God's plan is ____
Queen Esther had to hide a big secret from everyone. What was the secret?
It has 6 wings!
Why did King A choose Esther as his queen?
Because she was beautiful!
When we do count down, what number does it start from?
Day 3: Everyone needs _________
She told King that she is one of God's people and that Haman is out to kill them!
God showed Jeremiah 2 visions. What were they?
1. Almond tree
2. Boiling hot water
King Solomon asked God for 1 thing. It was not money, it was not long life. What was it?
How many worship songs do we sing?
Day 4: Speak the truth in _______
Daniel's 3 friends were thrown into the fire room but didn't!?
God sent an angel to protect them!
God showed Jeremiah a vision of an almond tree. What did this mean?
That God would watch over him
King Josiah's servants found something precious while cleaning the temple. What did they find?
God's word!
What song do we always end our service with?
Lord's prayer
What was the motto?
God's Truth Never Changes!
Job was the richest man until everything was taken from him - servants, camels, even his kids! Even though he lost everything what did he do?
He worshipped and praised God!
God showed Ezekiel a vision of something strange... yet special. What was it?
A valley of dry bones!
King Nebuchadnezzar made a rule about a big golden statue. What was the rule?
Everyone has to worship the statute or else... straight to the fire room!