These body parts contain the most bones in our bodies
What are the hands and feets
What type of doctor works on your eyes?
What is optometrist?
What do babies have on their head to indicate their skull isn't yet developed?
What is a soft spot?
This number is the amount of teeth an adult has.
What is 32?
This doctor specializes in kids.
What is a Pediatrician?
This maneuver is done when someone is choking.
What is the heimlich maneuver?
This orange vegetable is rich in the nutrient known as beta-carotene.
What are carrots?
This healthcare worker is certified to assist doctors.
What is a Nurse?
This organ in the body is responsible for producing bile.
What is the liver?
This blood type is the universal blood donor.
What is type O negative blood?
What type of doctor specializes in pain management and sedation before medical procedures?
What is an Anesthesiologist?
This maneuver is done when someone passes out and stops breathing or their heart stops beating.
What is CPR?
What are the two major hospitals in Kalamazoo?
What is Bronson and Borgess?
What field of medical science deals with sports?
What is Sports Medicine?
This type of bone is located on the cheek of the face.
What is the cheekbone?