Figurative Language
ELA Terms & Vocabulary
Test-Taking Skills
Writing & Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation
Challenge Questions

Give an example of ONOMATOPOEIA.

A word that looks and sounds like the sound it makes, like BOOM, POP, BUZZ - any response that fits the definition is acceptable!


What does "infer" mean?

To figure something out even though it isn't specifically mentioned; to read between the lines


What is the first strategy for reducing the number of answer choices in a multiple choice question?

(several possible answers!)

1. Eliminate the obvious silly answer - there usually is one! 

2. Use the answer eliminator to "disappear" the distractors.



Create a graphic organizer for the following prompt: Based on the passage "Blah Blah" and the excerpt from Big Book, explain how thermometers are important to the main characters. 

Variations of the expository pillar will earn credit! 


What does "support your claim" or "support your argument" mean?

It means you should back up your main idea with evidence from the text or examples.


What is alliteration?

The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words, like "Tom's tiny toes tickle tall toads."


Narrative writing does this.

Narrative writing tells a story.


During MCAS testing, I should:

During MCAS I should 

a) leave answers blank

b) skip the reading and just answer the questions

c) think about what I'm having for lunch

d) take my time and stay focused

d) take my time and stay focused


When you are writing the next chapter/extending the story, what should you NOT use in your response?

a) figurative language

b) dialogue

c) plot events consistent with the original text

d) First person - "Let me tell you about... I think..."

d) First person - "Let me tell you about... I think..."


What is a struggle between opposing forces?

problem or conflict (internal or external)


What type of figurative language is in the following statement? 

"The daffodils were like a ray of sunshine on the kitchen table."

SIMILE = a comparison between two things using like or as


What is theme?

the message or lesson the author wants the reader to learn


Before reading the passage (or passages), what can you do FIRST that may help you answer questions more efficiently?


Correct answer 1 - Read the questions first! 

Correct answer 2 - Read any introduction material - it's usually in italics  


What does "sequence" mean?

to present events in the order in which they happened



In a two-part question with Part A and Part B, if you get Part A wrong, you can still get credit for getting Part B correct. 


You *must* show your understanding of the main concept from Part A in order to get credit for the supporting detail in Part B.

If you have a question about this, please ask it right now!


What type of figurative language is in the following statement? 

"Samira was the rock of the family - everyone looked to her for strength."

METAPHOR = a direct comparison between two unlike things (Samira and a rock)


Joey reads an MCAS passage and highlights important parts of the text before going to the questions. What else should he be doing in addition to highlighting?

Writing the reasons WHY he's highlighting so he can use this info to answer questions and/or plan a response!


The conclusion should restate which part of your essay writing?

The claim or main idea sentence


What does "describe" mean?

to give details


For multiple choice questions I should:

a) say "eeny meeny miney moe" to choose an answer

b) choose the first answer that seems right

c) find evidence in the reading, then read all of the choices before picking one that matches my evidence.

d) pick the answer that doesn't fit 

c) find evidence in the reading, then read all of the choices before picking one that matches my evidence.


What are sensory details?

words and phrases that appeal to the five senses


What is the difference between the purpose of NARRATIVE and EXPOSITORY writing?

*Bonus = Identify a prompt we practiced for each type of writing

Expository writing provides the reader with facts and explanation about a topic. Narrative writing tells a story.

EXPository = EXPlains!

Narrative = tells a story


The test begins. Everyone is working. Suddenly, you find yourself worrying you will forget everything you know. What are some ways to refocus and feel confident? (make a list of options - there are many correct answers)

answers will vary


What purpose do the commas serve in this example?

"George wanted to make a tropical fruit smoothie. He went to the store to get bananas, papayas, passionfruit, and strawberries."

to separate items in a list or series

You should always support your claim with this (TWO things!)

Evidence from the passage *AND* an explanation of how the example supports the claim.

Trees provide safety for animals. In "How the Forest Grew," the author describes how deer use newly growing trees to hide from predators [THIS IS THE EXAMPLE]. This shows why trees are necessary for the deer because if they have no cover, they would be visible to their predators. With the help of the trees, the deer are able to hide and stay safe [THIS IS THE HOW PIECE].
