What planet is the home of Luke and Anakin?
This ship is the most iconic representation of the Empire. Dagger-shaped and triangular, it inspired fear in the hearts of everyone who encountered it, because they knew their lives were about to be cut short. What is it?
Star Destroyer
What weapon is in all three of the Empire movies?
Death Star
Who killed Han Solo?
Kylo Ren
What did Han Solo say in response to Princess Leia saying she loved him?
"I know"
This planet is the seat of Galactic power throughout a majority of history.
What's the name of Boba Fett's ship?
Slave 1
What is the strongest weapon is in The Force Awakens"
Starkiller Base
What is the name of the war between the Empire and the Rebels?
The Galactic Civil War
Who said, "I have to save my friends"?
Luke Skywalker
What is the home world of the clone army?
Obi-Wan Kenobi can be seen flying this type of starfighter in "Revenge of the Sith." It features S-foils and a distinctively TIE style cockpit. Which of these choices is his fighter (that was later destroyed onboard Grievous' flagship)?
Eta-2 Actis Interceptor
In which movie do they use the Ion Torpedo to take on a Star Destroyer's engine?
Rogue One
What color is Ray's lightsaber at the very end of the last movie?
Who said, "Get away from me slug"?
What is the name of the forbidden planet of the Sith in the last movie?
The T-47 Airspeeder was used in battle by the Rebel Alliance. On which of these planets was it most famously used upon to delay the Imperial forces?
In The Last Jedi, this weapon is used to shoot Poe Dameron.
What Sith Lord created the Rule of Two?
Darth Bane
Who said, "The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some considered... unnatural"?
What is the home planet of the Sith?
Used by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars, this ship is bulky, aggressive, and covered with weapons
ARC-170 Starfighter
What is the name of Boba Fett's blaster?
This is a micro organism that is connected to the force.
The Midi-chlorians
"I cannot be betrayed. I see his mind. I see him turning his lightsaber to strike true. Now he will ignite his blade and strike down his true enemy."