What is the first principle of the Preamble?
"To form a more perfect Union"
Why are "We the People" the first 3 words of the Preamble?
Ensures that a democratic government chosen by the people will focus on taking care of them and protect their rights.
What is Ms. Solorzano's favorite animal?
What is the 2nd principle of the Preamble?
"Establish Justice"
What does the 2nd principle in the Preamble refer to?
Ensuring fair trials under the law
Repeatedly has her arms folded and looks like she's spacing out?
What is the 3rd principle to the Preamble?
"Ensure domestic tranquility" (peace at home!)
What does the 3rd principle of the Preamble refer to when it states "ensure domestic tranquility?"
Keeping peace within the nation (peace at home)
Most likely to be caught reading because she finishes her work so quickly!!
What is the 4th principle of the Preamble?
"Provide for the common defense"
What does the 4th principle mean by "provide for the common defense?"
Providing a military to defend the nation
Most likely to say Jeyson is bullying him
What are the 5th and 6th principles of the Preamble?
"Promote the general welfare"
"Secure the blessings of liberty"
What does the Preamble mean in the 5th principle in "promote the general welfare?"
The government takes care of the American people with healthcare, education, better housing, lower taxes, etc.
The class most likely to win class rewards?