What does union mean?
"to form a more perfect union"
What does defense mean?
"provide for the common defense"
to protect
How do you remember Articles 1-3?
LEG(J) or the 3 branches
How do you remember Article 4 and what is it about?
FOR (4) the States, how the states can work together and with the federal government
What does justice mean?
"establish justice"
What does welfare mean?
"to provide for the general welfare"
What is Article 1 about?
Legislative Branch
How do you remember Article 5 and what is it about?
Grab a pen and amend, how changes or amendments can be made to the Constitution
What does tranquility mean?
"insure domestic tranquility"
What does posterity mean?
"And secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"
future generations
What is Article 2 about?
Executive Branch
How do you remember Article 6 and what is it about?
SUPREME, the federal government is above the state government
Is the Preamble the introduction, the body, or the conclusion of the Constitution?
the introduction
What does ordain mean?
"Do ordain and establish the constitution for the United States of America"
make official
What is Article 3 about?
Judicial Branch
How do you remember Article 7 and what is it about?
Lucky 7, we were lucky the founding fathers ratified (approved) the Constitution