Number Categories
Absolute Value and Graphing Rules
Foundational Functions!

What is the difference between Natural Numbers and Whole Numbers?

Natural numbers are counting numbers, so they do not include 0 because they start with 1,2,3.... Whole numbers do include 0.


What is the correct inequality statement between these numbers: –4 and –2/3?

–4 < –2/3 or –2/3 > –4


Why is absolute value always positive, no matter what kind of number is inside?

Absolute value is the DISTANCE that any number is away from 0. Since distance is always positive, absolute value is always positive too.

What will the graph AND the table of a constant function look like?

The graph will look like a horizontal line and the table will have repeating values on the y column.


What does PEMDAS stand for?

Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication AND Division, Addition AND Subtraction


Explain why –1.333333... cannot be an integer.

Integers cannot include decimals or fractions. They can only be whole numbers or negative whole numbers.


What is the correct inequality statement between these numbers: 4/7 and 0.45?

4/7 > 0.45 or 0.45 < 4/7


What is the correct inequality statement between these two numbers:

| –4 | and |8 – 6|

| –4 | = 4 and | 8 – 6 | = | 2 | = 2

so, 4 > 2 or 2 < 4


Name this function and describe the shape of its graph:

y = –3x2 + x – 10

This is a quadratic function and since it has a negative leading coefficient, it will be an upside down U shape.

What kind of pet does Ms. Goldman have?

A cat :) her name is Luna


Give 3 examples of rational numbers.

Answers may vary, but a rational number is a number that can be written as a fraction.


What is the correct inequality statement between these numbers: √36 and 2.66666...?

√36 > 2.66666... or 2.66666... < √36


Simplify the Absolute Value expression below:

2 x | 3 – 7 |

2 x | 3 – 7 | = 2 x | –4 | = 2 x 4 = 8


Rewrite this function in standard form:

y = 6 – x3 + 5x2 + 2x – 9x2

y = –x3 – 4x2 + 2x + 6


What is the only food that never expires?

a) McDonald's Big Mac

b) White Rice

c) Honey

d) Twinkies

c) Honey! It never goes bad. It sometimes gets solidified but you can remelt it and use it easily!


Explain why pi is irrational, even though 3.141414... is rational.

Pi is irrational because its decimals go on forever with no pattern, but 3.141414... has a pattern. Therefore, even though it also goes on forever and they are similar values, 3.141414... is rational and pi is irrational.


Put these numbers in DESCENDING ORDER:

9, 5/3, 1.333333...., –2, √15, 11/2

9, 11/2, √15, 5/3, 1.33333..., and –2


Name 2 things wrong with this graph!

Soooo many things are wrong here. First of all, there are no labels on the axes, so we do not know what this graph means. The red bar is so small that it is hard to tell what value it is showing. There is no x-axis scale. Also the title should say "Have you EATEN pizza this week?".


Rewrite this function into standard form, then explain what kind of function it is and what the shape of the graph would be!

y = 6x+ 4x– 2x– x + 8x4

Standard form: y = 12x4 + 6x3 – 2x2 – x

Quartic Polynomial--> would be a W shape!


What day of the year is considered pi Day?

March 14th (3/14)


Between what two numbers on a number line would √–16 go?

Trick Question! √–16 is an imaginary number. It would equal 4i and therefore it cannot appear on a number line because it is imaginary.


Put these numbers in ASCENDING ORDER:

π, –√2, 3, –0.1, √–9, –18/5

–18/5, –√2, –0.1, 3, π and √–9 is imaginary so it is not part of this list!!


Draw a PERFECT graph that represents this pattern. LABEL EVERYTHING, EVEN THE POINTS!!

Points should be at (1, 8), (2, 12), and (3, 16).

Labels could be x: steps of the pattern, y: number of shaded boxes in each step, graph: box pattern growth.

Graph should have an arrow on the end!


In what direction will the arms of this function go? Explain your thought process!

y = 2x – x5

The standard form is y = –x5 + 2x, which is a quintic binomial. Since the leading coefficient is negative (–1) and it is an odd function, the arms will go in opposite directions. Being odd and negative, the right arm will go down and the left arm will go up.


Daily Double!! Can you write an equation for this pattern?

y = (x + 2)2 – x2 or y = 4x + 4 or y = 4(x + 1)
