The layer of gas surrounding a planet that is held in place by gravity.
Similar weather for a certain number of days
Weather Pattern
Sandstorms can swallow up entire cities.
What was the weather like in the rainy season in Laos?
The rainy season in Laos was also hot, but it had periods of intense rainfall.
A prediction or estimate of future events
The border between an advancing cold air mass and a retreating warm air mass.
a Cold Front
Weather is the state of the atmosphere over a longer period of time.
What did Larissa miss about Canada while living in Qatar?
the four seasons of Canada. She loved the changes in weather
The day-to-day state of the atmosphere
Features on the surface of Earth, such as mountains, hills, dunes, oceans, or rivers
The sea makes the climate more moderate and not so extreme.
How do people in Laos cope with the hot weather?
people often take naps during the hottest part of the day and use fans to stay cool
A map or chart that shows the weather conditions at a specific point in time over a specific region
Weather Map?
Directional movements of ocean water; surface currents result from steady winds over the ocean surface; deep currents result from density variations due to temperature and salinity differences
Ocean Currents
Warm air can hold more moisture than cold air.
What are some common strategies people in Qatar use to combat the heat?
people often wear loose-fitting clothing and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated
Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion
Fahrenheit = (Celsius * 9/5) + 32
a measure of how hot or cold something is
To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, you simply multiply the Celsius temperature by 2 and add 30
weather conditions that are neither too hot nor too cold
Moderate weather