Really Easy
Really Hard

Today is my birthday. I looked at the gifts on the table. I was so excited! The doorbell rang. "It's for you!", my mom said

a) Friends have arrived for the birthday party

b) The mailman is here to deliver the mail

c) The neighbors are at the door

a) Friends have arrived for the birthday party


John had a new pet bird. When he left for school, he forgot to close the bird cage.

a) the bird will fly away

b) the bird will follow John to school

c) the bird will stay in its cage

a) the bird will fly away


The weather forecaster said that 6 inches of snow would fall during the night. When mark got up in the morning, the ground was covered!

a) Mark will go mow the yard.

b) Mark will play in the snow.

c) Mark will eat a snack.

b) Mark will play in the snow.


Momma bird flew out of her nest to find food. The baby birds were left behind chirping loudly. They were very hungry.

a) She will forget to feed her babies.

b) She will not come back to the nest until they stop chirping.

c) She will bring back food for her babies.

c) She will bring back food for her babies.


Jed was running around the neighborhood calling his dogs name. He had gotten loose and ran away. Suddenly Jed heard a bark coming from the next street. 

a) Jed will see if that was his dog barking.

b) Jed will ignore the bark

c) Jed will check all the trees.

a) Jed will see if that was his dog barking.


The boy chased the dog in the kitchen. The boy bumped into the table.

a) the boy will keep running

b) the boy will get hurt  

c) the table will break

b) the boy will get hurt  


On our camping trip, my mom forgot the marshmallows in the car. It was bright and sunny.

a) mom will buy a new bag of marshmallows

b) the marshmallows will melt in the car

c) the marshmallows will freeze 

b) the marshmallows will melt in the car


It was a nice sunny day. James decided to go for a bike ride. He was riding really fast. Suddenly he lost control and fell off his bike. His knee was dirty and skinned up.

a) He will go home and clean it up

b) He will ride to his friend's house

c) He will never go out on his bike again.

a) He will go home and clean it up


Jill had gym class. She was prepared. She came with shoes and her hair pulled back. After gym, her hair was all over the place. It looked a mess!

a) Jill will run some more

b) Jill will fix her hair before going home.

c) Jill will cut her hair

b) Jill will fix her hair before going home.


Mary was making a card for her teacher's birthday that was tomorrow. She got out the markers and drew beautiful flowers. She then took it to school.

a) Mary will throw the card away

b) Mary will give the card to a friend

c) Mary will give the card to her teacher

c) Mary will give the card to her teacher


There was one cupcake left. Dad said to save it for my brother. When nobody was looking, I took just one bite.

a) dad will get more cupcakes 

b) no one will notice the missing bite

c) His brother will be upset someone took a bite of his cupcake.

c) His brother will be upset someone took a bite of his cupcake.


My sister wanted to make a picture. She couldn't reach the paint, so she stood on a wobbly stool.

a) she will change her mind and not paint a picture

b) the paint will be empty

c) She might fall off the wobbly stool.

c) She might fall off the wobbly stool.


The girls were out playing in the yard. Clouds started filling the sky. It began to rain.

a) They will clean their shoes.

b) They will put on their bathing suits. 

c) They will go play inside.

c) They will go play inside.


Mrs. Smith gave the class spelling words for homework. Lucy studies every night after school for her test. She even knew the challenge words!

a) Lucy will get an A on her spelling test.

b) Lucy will not pass her test

c) Lucy will ask for more words to study

a) Lucy will get an A on her spelling test.


At 5 o'clock, it was time for dinner. Rex cleaned up his toys and put his trucks away. He ran to the bathroom to wash his hands. Then, Rex sat down at the table.

a) Rex will play with his toys at the table

b) Rex will eat dinner

c) Rex will start cooking the food

b) Rex will eat dinner


I was riding my bike. I got off and took a rest on the top of the hill. When I turned around, my bike was rolling down the hill!

a) the boy will chase after his bike

b) the boy will walk home

c) the boy will get a new bike

a) the boy will chase after his bike


We made a snowball outside. I wanted to keep it safe, so I put it next to my fireplace.

a) the snowball will melt

b) the snowball will stay safe

c) someone will step on the snowball

a) the snowball will melt


All summer Jack has been watering his bushes he planted. They grew and they grew. Soon they were very tall and Jack couldn't see his window!

a) Jack will keep watering the bushes.

b) Jack will trim the bushes.

c) Jack will remove the bushes.

b) Jack will trim the bushes.


It was such a hot day outside. Mike got on his bathing suit. He put on his sunscreen and went outside to his pool. Mike saw his friend Bob.

a) Mike will go swimming.

b) Mike will put his clothes back on and play.

c) Mike will invite Bob to swim with him.

c) Mike will invite Bob to swim with him.


Luke was home taking a nap. His mom was vacuuming in the living room. Suddenly she heard Luke crying from his bedroom.

a) Mom will see why Luke is crying

b) Mom will ignore Luke

c) Mom will vacuum in Luke's room

a) Mom will see why Luke is crying


Mike was on his way home. He was riding his bike. The clouds turned gray and he heard thunder.

a) it will start to snow

b) the sun will come out

c) it will start to rain

c) it will start to rain


The weatherman said that there will be a thunderstorm. I looked out my window and only saw a sunny sky. I decided to go for a swim. I took off my shoes. I ran and jumped in the pool. Splash! I looked up. Uh oh!

a) it will start to snow

b) it is too hot

c) it will start to rain

c) it will start to rain


Sarah was cleaning the kitchen counter. There was dirt everywhere! She scrubbed and scrubbed. Sarah hit the cookie jar with her hand and it came crashing down.

a) Sarah will eat the cookies on the floor.

b) Sarah will clean the mess up.

c) Sarah will make more cookies.

b) Sarah will clean the mess up.


Lisa and Jaden went strawberry picking. They picked two big buckets and washed them all off. Jaden cut the strawberries and Lisa put them in a pan with flour and sugar.

a) They will throw the strawberries away.

b) They will eat all the strawberries.

c) They will bake a pie.

c) They will bake a pie.


Addy was walking to school. She noticed that she was going to be late. The bell was going to ring soon!

a) Addy will just go home

b) Addy will walk faster

c) Addy will walk slower

b) Addy will walk faster
