The prefix "re'" means..... in English
back, again
The prefix "pre-" English
before, in front of
The prefix "sub" English
under / less than
The prefix co-/com-/con- English
with, together
The prefix mono-/uni- English
one, single
The prefix mal- English
bad, evil
The prefix ex- English
1) former not anymore - ie ex-girlfriend
2) out of, away from - exclusion, exile
The prefix English
good, well
The prefix trans- English
across, through, change
The prefix anti-/contra- English
against, opposing
The prefix mis- English
wrong / error / mistake
To get better after an illness
When you watch a show before it's ready for the main audience. Similar to a trailer for a movie.
another name for an underground rail network
What is a coincidence? Please give an example as well as an explanation.
a situation in which events happen at the same time in a way that is not planned or expected (noun)
It was a _________; they did not plan to dress the same way.
vehicle with pedals, a seat, but only one wheel
a unicycle
A malevolent force is...
if you no-longer use cigarettes you are
an ex-smoker
Name any product that is beneficial for preventing COVID-19 transmission.
a mask, vaccine, hand sanitizer
lots of other answers
a popular toy from the 80s which later became a series of movies, about robots that change shape
against or opposing social norms
To lose something, to forget where something is.
To happen again, to happen many times
A recurring dream is one that you have time and time again.
An example of precaution would be..
Lots of correct answers:
- bringing a spare tyre on a trip into the desert
a ship that goes underwater
What does it mean to concur? (verb)
To agree TOGETHER with someone (verb)
We concur with your opinion.
A category of religions that believes in only one god.
*Polytheistic religions believe in many gods
An example of malicious behavior would be...
Lots of correct answers
-bullying online
-criticizing a person's appearance, especially aspects of their appearance they have not control over
What's this punctuation mark called : "!"
exclamation mark
Many museums have benefactors, people who...
give money and resources/aide
send money from one account to another
transfer / transaction
a word that is opposite in meaning
When you misunderstand someone talking, or you get the wrong meaning from a text.
To bring something back to life
Revive (Resurrect, recussitate, reincarnate also ok)
to get something ready in advance
happening in your mind, but you're not aware of it
You may not even be aware of your own subconscious thoughts and feelings.
What does it mean to conform? (verb)
to do what other people do : to behave in a way that is accepted by most people - to act WITH them (verb)
We learned to conform to the school dress code.
A speech given by one person. Sometimes a comedy routine.
A monologue
An example of a malodorous smell might be...
dirty old socks
rotten eggs
infinite answers!
To pull out (literally) (verb)
A dentist will ____ a rotten tooth.
This word means "kind and gentle, harmless."
That old woman seems scary from afar, but she's totally benign.
The growth on my arm is benign.
send infomation or a signal
one who opposes/ an adversary
the "bad guy" in a story or movie
to deceive someone, to trick them by giving the wrong information
To hold something back, to stop something from moving
Restrain (restrict or repress are also ok)
another name for underground
When people congregate (verb) what are they doing?
They are coming TOGETHER.
The members of the church began to congregate, and then the entire congregation sang a song.
Used to describe something that is boring, also used to describe a annoying or tiring sound
Someone who is maladjusted....(finish the thought)
Is not well-adjusted, might struggle with normal social milestones etc.
far beyond what is usual, rare, remarkable
extraordinary (exceptional also ok)
A kind and helpful person. (adjective)
A benevolent person
To rise above
to speak against, say a differing fact or opinion (verb)
a social outcast or outsider, an eccentric (also the name of an 80s punk band)
misfit / misfits