The prefix pre- means
typically means "before"
The prefix dis- means
typically means "not" or "opposite of"
The prefix re- means
typically means either "again" or "back"
Prefix ex- means
typically means "out of" or "from"
Prefix non- means
typically means "not" or "absence of"
meaning of preset
The style of music is preset for you at the beginning of the game.
to set or adjust something before you use it
meaning of dislike
Which do you dislike more, peas or brussel sprouts?
to not like something
meaning of repay
I have until next Friday to repay the money I owe.
to pay back
meaning of exhale
We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.
to breathe out
meaning of nonfat
Nonfat milk is healthier for you, but doesn't taste as good.
without fat, absence of fat
meaning of preschool
Some kids attend preschool before beginning kindergarten.
a school experience that occurs before one attends kindergarten
meaning of disband
The soldiers refused to disband and believed it was wiser to stick together.
to not be together or to break apart
meaning of reheat
Reheat the water to bring it back to a boil.
to heat again
meaning of exclude
You may go to the park, but don't exclude your little brother. He must go with you.
to leave out
meaning of nonsense
He was not in the mood to put up with any nonsense from his little brother.
absence of sense, having no sense
meaning of preorder
Usually, Gamestop will allow you to preorder a game before its release date.
to order something before
in this case, to order something before it is available
meaning of distrust
Since you haven't lied to me yet, I have no reason to distrust you.
to not trust someone
meaning of reuse
Don't throw away the plastic cups. We can wash and reuse them.
to use again or more than once
meaning of expel
If you break the rules, we'll expel you from the club.
to force out
meaning of nonstop
Working nonstop all day is exhausting.
to not stop, absence of stopping
Which word does not have the prefix pre-?
pretty or preteach
Which word does not have the prefix dis-?
disagree or disk
Which word does not have the prefix re-?
reach or redo
Which word does not have the prefix ex-?
perplex or exceed
Which word does not have the prefix non-?
nontoxic or none