re- means...
What is again, back?
-ology means...
What is the study of?
sub- means...
What is under, below?
-est means...
What is comparative?
com- means...
What is together, with?
-ment means...
What is action, process?
bi- means...
What is two?
-ly means...
What is characteristic of?
Based on what you know about the prefix trans-, what does transport mean?
What is move across places?
Based on what you know about the prefix -able, what does the word comfortable mean?
What is can be comforted or feeling well?
Based on what you know about the prefix post-, what does postgame mean?
What is after a game?
Based on what you know about the suffix -ment, what does the word enjoyment mean?
What is the action of enjoying or having fun?
Based on what you know about the prefix syn-, what does the word synonym mean?
What is same meaning?
Read the sentence and determine the meaning of the word in the sentence that contains the suffix. "The payment was made at the bank."
What is the action of paying?
Read the sentence and determine the meaning of the word in the sentence that contains the prefix. "The woman had to resumbit her application for the new job at the hospital."
What is submit again or turn in again?
Read the sentence and determine the meaning of the word in the sentence that contains the suffix. "We quickly ran to the playground when the bell rang for recess."
What is the characteristic of moving quick?
Based on what you know about the prefix inter-, what does the word interact mean?
What is talk or act between people?
Based on what you know about the suffix -or, what does the word author mean?
What is a person who writes?
Based on what you know about the prefix pre-, what does the word prepare mean?
What is get ready before?
Based on what you know about the suffix - ment, what does the word contentment mean?
What is the state of being content or happy?