Mr. Mom
In the WOOHOOmb (psych)
It's still Complicated!
Baby of the World
The Cornell Couples and careers study found that men work at their jobs for ____ hours a day, whether or not they have children.
10 hours (pg. 192)
The method in which the father or other support person stays with the mother through her labor to provide help and encouragement is known as the ___?
Lamaze Method (pg. 196)
Newborn babies with what condition are placed under bili lights and must wear a mask to protect their eyes?
Jaundice or hyperbilirubinemia (pg. 209)
1 in 4 women are physically abused at some point in their pregnancy, how can this affect the fetus?
1) Increases the risk of miscarriage (spontaneous abortion), preterm labor, and low birth weight. 2) Increased stress on the mother can also affect the baby and increases her chance to use drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. (pg. 229)
Name 2 reflexes the newborn is born with:
1)Turn head away from something obstructing breathing 2)Rooting reflex (turns toward touch on side of face and opens mouth) 3)Sucking reflex 4)Swallow reflex 5)Withdraw foot when pricked 6)Crawling reflex 7)Palmar grasp reflex 8)Moro Reflex (when startled – arching of back, throwing out of arms & grasping with fingers) 9)Babinski Reflex (fanning of toes) (pg. 216) --- Important to note that many of these behaviors have been identified by Bowlby from the article as ways for an infant to form attachments with their caregivers, because some of them prolong physical contact
The Cornell Couples and Careers study found that men do about 1.5 – 2 hours of housework per day in comparison to the ___ hours performed by their female counterparts.
3 hours (pg. 192)
American women envision that doctors and nurses will provide care during labor. However, 80% of the world's babies are born with the assistance of ____.
midwives (pg.196)
A common neural-tube defect in which one or more vertebrae do not close over the spinal column, leaving the cord uncovered in a portion of the spinal column is known as?
Spina bifida (pg. 210)
Name 2 different cultural practices that can be used to welcome an infant into the community
1)practice of appointing Godparents 2)baptismal ceremonies 3)circumcision 4)naming ceremonies
Describe 2 of the newborn’s sense abilities (sight, hearing, taste, smell) shortly after birth.
1) Focus on images 8-12 inches away 2) Prefer looking at contrasting, complex patterns with curves, especially faces 3) Recognize their mother’s voice 4) Prefer high-pitched sounds (female voices) 5) Can orient towards a sound 6) Discriminate tastes; prefer sweet over salty, acidic, or bitter 7) 6-day old infant knows its mother’s smell and distinguishes it from another woman’s (pg. 215)
What percentage of men, in modern societies, report symptoms of pregnancy during their partner’s gestation, including nausea, fatigue, back pain and even abdominal pain?
65 % (pg.191)
Give an example of how the fetus “learns” inside the womb.
1)The fetus responds to sound vibrations, but after several repeats the fetus will stop responding, showing that it has learned to habituate. 2) Once the baby is born it already prefers its mother’s voice over others, and often prefers music that it heard in the womb. 3) Newborns also prefer hearing stories they had repeatedly heard in utero over stories they had not heard before. (pg. 214)
A fetus that is considered small for gestational age (SGA) will exhibit these long term developmental problems: (list 2 of 2 problems)
1)Increased abnormal brain wave patterns and 2)an increased risk of learning disabilities. (pg. 208).
Name 3 reasons for an increase of stress and depression for the parent(s) and family after a baby is born:
1)multiple-gestation births (pg. 220) 2)teenage mother 3)single parent situation 4)homelessness 5)lack of social support 6)baby born with birth defect (pg. 211) 7)birth by caesarian section (pg. 207) 8)unemployment 9)poverty
Explain how parental touch and practices such as Kangaroo Care can be beneficial to an infant who is needing extensive care in NICU settings. This practice can arguably be a great way to help avoid attachment disorders discussed in the article.
It is shown to help increase weight gain, and better overall development of infant. Also helps improve bond between parent(s) and baby which improves heart rate, temperature, and breathing patterns. (pg. 219-220)
Name the cultural practice that serves to establish the man as the father of the baby.
Couvade (pg. 191)
Why would placing a flashlight under the covers and turning it on at bedtime help calm the fetus?
Many women report that the fetus becomes more active at bedtime; this increase in activity could be due to the darkness in the womb when the lights are turned out. A flashlight serves as a nightlight for the fetus. (pg.214)
Hydrocephalus is a congenital condition that can result in mental retardation, paralysis, lack of coordination and seizures. This condition is caused by _________?
It’s caused by excessive fluid in the baby’s head. (pg. 210)
Why is poverty a social risk factor when it comes to pregnancy, birth, and the newborn?
Poverty is a factor in the lack of prenatal care, low birth weight, premature births, and poor maternal health habits High levels of environmental stress associated with poverty can inhibit good parenting and prevent parents from providing a stimulating and nurturing environment (pg. 227)
Name 2 of the 6 Newborn States:
1) Quiet alert state 2) Active alert state 3) Crying state 4) Drowsiness state 5) Quiet sleep 6) Active sleep
Name 2 of the five subject areas that Gorski identified when meeting with expectant parents.
1) Attachments and commitments 2) How they are mentally representing the fetal infant 3) Past history of social and professional support 4) History of loss 5) Sense of security (pg.190)
In regards to attitudes and emotions, how does the mother’s level of depression during pregnancy affect the baby once it is born?
Excessive crying and inconsolability of newborns has been linked to the mother’s score on a depression scale during pregnancy. (pg. 214)
In anencephaly, the baby lacks all or part of its brain. What is the major ethical question regarding this condition?
As the life expectancy for this condition is very short, questions have arisen regarding the ethics of using these infants as donors for organ transplants. (pg. 210)
Why, even after controlling for socio-demographic factors, is the proportion of low-birth-weight babies still twice as high for African Americans than for whites?
Related to maternal health and behavioral practices that can be affected by stress. The lack of social support and experience of increased problems owing to their ethnicity increases. Environmental stress which often leads to poor health habits (use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco) (pg. 226)
What is the objective of the Apgar score that doctors perform on a newborn immediately after birth?
It looks at the infant’s adaptation to life outside the womb on a scale from 0-10 with regard to skin color, heart rate, response stimulation, muscle tone, and breathing effort. It determines if the infant needs medical intervention. (pgs. 197-198)