The color of the survey
What is purple
Color mostly used with female gender
What is pink?
A place where you can find Pregnancy Resources for Teachers
What is Google Classroom?
All EHS Home Base programs are required to service pregnant women
What is NO?
A scheduled visit by the nurse that takes place after birth
What is a well-baby check
I get turned in every 30 days
What is monthly
Topics, date topic completed, teacher initial, pregnant women's information, & baby's information are items needed to...
What is to "be documented" on the pregnant women prenatal education tracking sheet
The creator of the Pregnancy Google Classroom
Who is Julie Jantz?
Services provided to the mother and then the baby for an extended period of time
What is continuity of care?
Teaching staff will notify these staff members when baby arrives
Who is FSA, Nurses, Vicki, & RT?
Fetal Development, Importance of Nutrition, Labor and Delivery, Risk of Alcohol, Drugs, & Smoking...
What are some prenatal topics?
I get turned in after the baby arrives
What is the Pregnant Women Prenatal Education Tracking Sheet?
You need this to access the Pregnancy Google Classroom
What is class code or invite?
Researched-Based home visiting curriculum that includes a prenatal component
What is Parent As Teachers?
Services continue with mom until the baby is enrolled
What is YES?
I write my letters on the monthly prenatal survey
What are my initials?
A visit to check on mom
What is a postpartum 2-week visit?
Topics that you discuss and document on your pregnancy lesson plans
What are mandated topics?
Nutritional counseling, food assistance, oral health care, mental health services, substance abuse prevention, emergency shelter & domestic violence
What are comprehensive services?
Postpartum care, postpartum depression, infant safe sleep, infant care, bonding with baby, benefits of breastfeeding, nutrition...
What are topics to consider with mother until baby's enrollment
Email to Vicki
What is to whom do I submit the Monthly Prenatal Survey?
Email to Vicki
What is to whom do I submit the Pregnant Women Prenatal Education Tracking Sheet?
These PUSD employees made postings on the Pregnancy Google Classroom
Who are Julie, Chrysantha, and Adriana?
Two health forms that are given to our pregnant clients in the Home Base program
What are Prenatal examination and dental forms
The FSA's form of communication with the teaching staff that the baby was enrolled
What is an email?