Prenatal Testing
Fetal Growth
Maternal Adaptations
Nursing Management
Domestic Violence
An increased value on a quad screen (AFP) indicates an increased risk for what genetic defect?
What is neural tube defect?
After 8 weeks gestation, the fertilized ovum is considered a/an_________.
What is a fetus?
A pregnant patient complains of urinary frequency, nausea & vomiting, and breast tenderness. You recognize this to be discomforts associated with _______ trimester.
What is first trimester?
A pregnant patient complains of urinary frequency, nausea & vomiting, and breast tenderness. You recognize this to be discomforts associated with _______ trimester.
What is first trimester?
During this phase in the cycle of violence, the victim attempts to calm the abuser.
What is tension-building?
A positive pregnancy test, abdominal enlargement, and Chadwick's sign are __________ signs of pregnancy.
What is probable or objective?
A healthy cord and placenta are vital for development. How many arteries should be present in an umbilical cord?
What are two?
Which of the following hormones is not produced by the placenta? progestin, relaxin, HSG, and HPL
What is HSG? HCG is the hormone associated with pregnancy. HSG is the abbreviation for a hystosalpingogram- a procedure to assess the uterus and fallopian tubes.
When counseling an expectant mother who is normal weight about weight gain, the nurses explains to her that approximately _______ pounds.
What is 25-35?
Why should a woman who has left her abusive partner not use a pre-paid phone card?
What is they are traceable?
This type of birth defect is a result of the fetus having three copies of Chromosome 21.
What is Down syndrome?
An adequate amount of ________ _______ is needed for the fetus to have symmetrical growth and promote musculoskeletal development,
What is amniotic fluid?
Due to the demands of oxygen required by the baby, the mothers respiratory rate is ___________.
What is increased or hyperventilation?
When obtaining a obstetric history, the patient states she has had 3 fullterm pregnancies, 1 miscarriage, and 1 preterm delivery. She is a gravida ________.
What is 5?
During this phase of the violence cycle, the abuser is apologetic and repentant.
What is honeymoon?
This lab is performed on each prenatal visit and assesses for elevated glucose, infection, and dehydration?
What is a urinalysis?
In fetal circulation, the placenta performs the work of this organ and filters wastes. The majority of blood is shunted away from this organ by the ductus venosus.
What is the liver?
This vital sign decreases at the beginning of pregnancy and gradually increases back to pregnant levels by the end of pregnancy.
What is blood pressure?
Ms. Jones is 37 weeks pregnancy and complains of dependent edema? The nurse counsels her to __________ her feet to decrease the edema.
What is elevate?
This is the most common date rape drug?
What is rohypnal or roofies?
The nurse has measured the fundal height at the umbilicus. This results indicates the pregnancy is approximately _____ weeks gestation.
What is 20 weeks?
The amount of extra calories needed per day to grow a healthy baby.
What is 300 calories?
The dark line on a pregnant woman's abdomen that runs from below the rib cage to the pubic bone is ______ _____.
What is linea nigra?
A pregnant patient is taking dilantin for seizures. This is a category D medication. Would this medication be continued or discontinued?
What is continued?
In the SAVE model, the "s" stands for _______ all of your clients.
What is screen?