Prehistory refers to all human existence before the emergence of:
The most important new ability of modern humans was the ability to:
a type of sculpture meant to be viewed from all angles
made from ivory, this egg-shaped sculpture is only an inch in height. its features are reduced to simple curves, lines, and contours
the Woman from Brassempouy
David Lewis-Williams argued that Upper Paleolithic cave art is best understood in terms of:
Researchers name the entire period of early human development:
the Stone Age
The world's earliest examples of Art (found in Blombos cave):
engraved blocks of red ocher
sculptures that are projecting outwardly from a backing wall, meaning they cannot be viewed from all angles
relief sculpture
the reduction of shapes and appearances to basic yet recognizable forms that are not intended to be exact replications of nature:
Traveling conceptually within the stone walls, Upper Paleolithic shamans would have participated in ceremonies that involved:
the first part of the stone age
this period is called the ____________ period
which means "old stone"
What is ocher?
A clay (colored from iron oxide)
reconstructed from broken pieces of ivory, this statue surpasses most early figures in both size and complexity
the Lion-Human
Prehistoric cave painters burned _____________ as a light source in the caves.
Animal Fat
Musical instruments, such as _____________ were found in the caves.
Bone Flutes
the second part of the stone age
this period is called the ____________ period
which means "new stone"
The enclosure of spaces with some aesthetic intent:
carved from limestone and colored with red ocher, this statue may have been used to symbolize shared values as well as health and fertility
the Woman from Willendorf
Prehistoric artists chewed ___________ to dilute it with saliva and water. It was then blown over stencils like primitive spray paint.
With smaller features like eyes and lips seen from the front, but larger shapes like heads and bodies rendered in side profile, this systematic approach is known as:
Composite Pose
The earliest objects made by our human ancestors were:
simple stone tools
Made from bone, ivory, stone, and clay, these objects started appearing in Europe and Asia around 30,000 BCE:
small figurines of people and animals
shaped from a mixture of soil and water, then baked in a kiln, this survivor is one of the earliest examples of performance art
the Woman from Dolni Vestonice
Human beings have an inherent desire to decorate themselves and their surroundings. Scientists now agree that human beings have an:
Aesthetic Impulse
At Lascaux, in the Hall of Bulls, overlapping and curved walls were used to suggest: