what is the king of the dinos?
what is t-rex?
what is a prehistoric elephant?
what is woolly Mammoth?
what is a prehistoric shark?
what is megalodon?
what is in dino dan?
what is dinochucus?
what is in jp3?
what is ptranodon?
what dinosaur name means "devil face"?
what is diablocerotops
what is a big cat?
what is smilodon?
what means close lizard?
what is elasmosaurus
what is the first dino seen in jp1?
what is brachiosaurus?
what are the 2 pterasaurs in jw?
what are dimorphodon and pteranodon?
what group of dinosaurs was triceratops in?
what are ceritopcins?
what was the main temp. in the ice age
what are snow days?
what shark has a curled lip?
what is helicoprion?
what5 dinosaurs name means 3 haoned face?
what hybrad is in jw?
what is indomonus Rex?
what aquatic animal is in jw?
what is mosasaurus?
what is the biggest pterasaur
what is Quetzalcoatl?