Choosing Chiefs, educating children.
Objects used as evidence
What are artifacts?
The land that Acadians lived on
What is modern day Nova Scotia?
The man who made the first recorded contact in 1497.
Who was John Cabot?
The location of Louisville.
What is Cape Breton Island?
The traditional housing of the Iroquois.
What is the Longhouse?
The theory stating that people came across to the American continent vie boat from various locations in Africa.
What is the African theory?
Under British rule, Acadians were expected to give the crown this one thing in order to be accepted.
What is a pledge of allegiance?
The economic basis of European settling of the Americas, and other colonies.
What is Mercantilism?
First Nations allowed Europeans easy access to which habit forming substance?
What is Tobacco?
The land of the Mi'kmaq.
What is now Atlantic Canada?
The theory that people came to the American continent through a seemingly endless chain of Islands
What is The Pacific Theory?
Poor craftsmanship, Poor naval defensibility, Isolation
What are three strategic weaknesses of Louisbourg?
The main exports of the American Colonies.
What are fish and fur?
Europeans introduced First Nations people to which mind-altering substance?
This type of society is based on the mother, or female lineage.
The Theory that people came across a land bridge to arrive in America, either for food or to avoid conflict.
What is that Beringia theory/Clovis First.
This treaty officially ceded Acadia (Minus Cape Breton) to the British.
What is the Treaty of Utrecht, in 1712?
One of the most devastating diseases brought to America by settlers.
What is Smallpox?
Port Royal was the Acadian Capital until the creation of this settlement?
What is Halifax?
This government style is based on the concept that everyone is equal.
What is egalitarian?
The theory that people came to America from Western Europe.
What is the Solutrean Theory?
The ratio of Acadians that died after the Expulsion due to illness and hardship.
What is roughly 1/3?
Catholic missionaries who viewed First Nations faiths as barbaric and Heretical.
Who were Jesuits?
This method is used to tell the age of organic material in an artifact.
What is RadioCarbon Dating?