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Show Empathy!
Expand your Circle of Friends
Show Love
A Lasting Cure!

Prejudice is often based on...

What is misinformation


Once we develop this negative view of others, it becomes difficult to _____ _____.

What is show empathy.


What does 2 CORINTHIANS 6:13 mean when it says "“Open your hearts wide.” 

What is: we must be willing to befriend those who are different from us? 


What does COLOSSIANS 3:14 mean when it tells us to “Clothe ourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union.” ?

What is: The more you show your love for others, the less prejudiced you become. 


Human governments have a poor record of changing what

What is people’s prejudiced attitudes. 


Proverbs 19:2 says “A person without _______ is not good.” 

What is knowledge


What does ROMANS 12:15 want us to do when it says “Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.” 

What is Show Empathy, because empathy is the ability to put oneself in another’s place and feel what he feels.


What happens when we get to know others personally?

What is: we begin to understand why they do things differently. And as we grow closer to them, we start to see them as part of our own group. We come to value them more, and their joys and sorrows become our own. 


What does the first bullet point tell us to do to show love to others?

What is: 

  • Show good manners to members of that group by holding the door open or by giving up your seat on public transportation for one of them.


A government that could cure prejudice would need to do what?  name at least 1 thing.

What is: 

  1. 1. Motivate people to want to change the way they think and feel toward others.

  2. 2. Heal the wounds that make it difficult to treat others fairly.

  3. 3. Have leaders of unbreakable integrity who value each citizen equally.

  4. 4. Unify people of all nations.


What does Acts 17:26 mean when it says "God made out of one man every nation of men.” 

What is All humans are related


Empathy will also help us to __________

What is respect others


What does the "Word of Caution" tell us about expanding our circle? 

What is: we should be selective when expanding our circle of friends. It is not prejudicial to avoid friendship with unscrupulous individuals who behave in a depraved or offensive manner. 


What does the second bullet point tell us to do to show love to others?

What is: 

  • Try to engage in small talk, even if they do not speak your language fluently.


The Bible assures us that God has created such a government. It is called what?

What is "The Kingdom of God?"


What does Acts 10:34, 35 tells us about God?

What is God is impartial


Try to see beyond the ______ and find ________ between you and people from a group you may view negatively.

What are Differences & Similarities 


When finding opportunities to speak with people who are from a country, ethnicity, or language group different from yours. You could do what?

What is: 

  • Ask them to tell you a little about themselves.

  • Invite them to join you for a meal.

  • Listen to their stories, and find out what is important to them.


What does the third bullet point tell us to do to show love to others?

What is: 

  • Be patient when they act in a way that you do not understand.


What does the scripture in ISAIAH 26:9 scripture say & what does it mean? 

What is “The inhabitants of the land [will] learn about righteousness.” 

It means God’s Kingdom will teach people what is right. When people learn right from wrong—justice from injustice—their attitudes toward one another change. All will recognize that the right thing to do is to love all kinds of people. 


How does 1 Samuel 16:7 help us know what Jehovah views in each of us?

What is God focuses on the inner person, not the outward appearance


The more we focus on how similar people are to us, the less likely we will be to _____ ____ _______.

What is judge them negatively


Summarize this video clip between two genuine brothers titled (Johny and Gideon: Once Enemies, Now Brothers?)

What was: Johny was the leader of a far right group who hated black people. GIdeon was a black man and political democratic chairman who did not understand why Jehovah's WItnesses wouldn't get involved in politics. They both eventually became Jehovah's Witnesses and now preach alongside one another.


What does the fourth bullet point tell us to do to show love to others?

WHat is: 

  • Be sympathetic if they talk about their problems.


What does the scriptures at ISAIAH 11:3, 4 read? What does it mean?

What is: “He will not judge by what appears to his eyes, nor reprove simply according to what his ears hear. He will judge the lowly with fairness, and with uprightness he will give reproof in behalf of the meek ones of the earth.” 

It means: Jesus Christ, the King of God’s heavenly Kingdom, will rule fairly and impartially over the earth. Jesus does not favor one nation over another, and he can ensure that his righteous laws are upheld worldwide. 
