Name of a person who fought against racism?
Who is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Mahatma Ghandi
Nelson Mandela
Bishop Desmond Tutu
The Bahamian woman who worked on the Woman Suffrage movement in the Bahamas.
Who is Dame Doris Johnson
Give a stereotype of homophobia.
Homosexuals molest children.
Name a person who has a disability and was successful.
Who is Stevie Wonder
Who is Joni Errecson Tada
Give the name of one war fought
What is the Gulf War
What is the Persian War
Racism is?
When someone prejudges or mistreats a person because of their race.
Sexism is?
What is mistreating someone because of their gender.
Homophobia is?
Persons being mistreated because of their sexual preference.
Abelism is
What is when people with disabilities are prejudged and mistreated.
War is?
What is ongoing conflict between individuals or countries.
The effects of racism is?
Denying entrance to establishments.
Sexism can be displayed by
What is
women being denied jobs.
Men receiving less pay then women.
Girls not being allowed to play with trucks
Men not being allowed to cry.
Three ways homophobia can be remedied is to
What is getting to know the person before making judgments against them.
educate yourself on homosexuality.
Pray for the person
People with disability can
What is drive a car
Compete in sports
Give two elements of a holy war
What is
Describe how racism is displayed.
A person may deny someone entry into an establishment because he or she is black.
Someone may joke and say that all dark skin people look like monkeys.
Suggest ways sexism can be stopped.
What is give men and women equal pay.
Try to understand what each gender goes through.
Allow women to be heard
Homophobia can be displayed when
What is when someone calls a person disrespectful names.
A teacher is fired because he is a homosexual.
Challenges people with disabilities face are
What is not being respected.
Being labelled as not being able to do anything.
Taken advantage of by others.
How can a pacifist fight against war?
What is to take part in rallies
Post signs on buildings discouraging war
Write letters against war.
Racism should be abolished?
I agree that racism should be abolished as it hurts people.
It causes segregation which is not what God wants.
A woman's place is in the home.
Women should not be subjected to only working in the home as they are capable of being and doing anything.
If women want to stay at home then she should be allowed to not forced to.
Homosexuals are going to hell.
What is the bible says that those who sin will end up in hell.
God loves everyone and they will receive mercy and grace from God.
People with disability can do anything.
What is there are artists who paint beautiful pictures and they have a disability.
Some can drive cars or boats.
Wars are necessary.
What is the bible says that there will be wars and rumors of wars.
Wars take lives and are not necessary.
People can use non violent ways to solve conflict.