spell the animal that purrs
Show your age with fingers
This person is our principal.
Ms. Demos
spell the animal that barks
This number is how many noses are in this classroom right now
This person is our secretary in the office.
Ms. Hardy
Spell it: This is an animal with a bushy tail who likes to eat gingerbread characters!
use your air writer to answer this addition sentence: 6 +1 = ?
This person is our school nurse
Nurse Allison
spell the word: this is an animal who loves mud and has a curly tail
This number is how many toes you have, plus the number of toes I have
This person helps us do art
Ms. Mazaka
This book series is about a furry family who lives in a tree house in Bear Country.
Berenstain Bears
spell the word: this is another word for a female chicken
this is how old you are when you graduate from the Brooks School
10 or 11
These are our custodians
Mr. Kevin and Mr. Jimmy
This book series is about an aardvark and his family and friends. The author lives in Massachusetts!