Antony's final defeat in this naval engagement saw him flee to Egypt and commit suicide the following year
What is the Battle of Actium
May 13 is World this Day, a term for any kind of mixed drink
What is Cocktail
This President delivered the first televised address, asking Americans to cut down on grain consumption
Who is Harry Truman
Where: Every August 6, a service is held in this city for the estimated 70,000 people who were killed there on that date in 1945
What is Hiroshima
Originating in naval warfare, this is a clear and direct warning sign either to threaten or to forestall an adversarial situation
What is a shot across the bow
It's the largest state's largest city
What is Anchorage
June 3, 2021 is the national day for this illicit nighttime booze, and boy, is June 4 gonna be ugly
What is moonshine
Richard Nixon saw this added to White House under his administration, spurring a picture which became a semi-prominent poster appearing in The Big Lebowski
What is a bowling alley
Why: didn't this nation get more help rising up against its leader Pol Pot as 1 million died at the regime's hands between 1975 and 1979?
What is Cambodia
This is what you'd call something or someone that differs almost not at all from its parent or predecessor - as if the two were wedged or bludgeoned apart
What is a chip off the old block
It was here in 1945 that Roosevelt set into motion the Cold War struggle by caving to Stalin and strong-arming Churchill
What is Yalta
This aromatic white grape drink is one of the sweetest varieties of wine
What is a riesling
He is the only President to have his wedding in the White House, marrying Francis Folsom in 1886
Who is Grover Cleveland
What: Was the name of this first-of-its-kind deuterium fusion device that leveled the island of Elugelab in 1952?
What is "Ivy Mike"
Coming from the famous test of mental fortitude, this refers to something that must not be thought of
What is a pink elephant
Although it's one of the most caught species of fish in the ocean, it's ranks number four among its genus
What is the albacore
It's customary to hoist a dram on the evening of January 25, the night Scotland celebrates this iconic poet
Who is Robert Burns
This President saw the building finally earn an official name, as well as the West Wing added just one year later
Who is Theodore Roosevelt
Who: in 1993 he shared the Nobel Peace Prize with F.W. de Klerk
Who is Nelson Mandela
When cars do this, it's extremely audible. When people do it, you'll know they're irate even without hearing
What is "blow a gasket"
The haunted camp which serves as the setting for Friday the 13th sits beside this fictional body of water
What is Crystal Lake
Grab your sugar and spoon on March 5, the day in 2007 when this liquor could be imported into the US for the first time since 1912
What is absinthe
Built over FDR's indoor swimming pool, the press room was renamed in 2000 for this wounded press secretary
Who is James Scott Brady
When: Date and year congress resolved, "The United Colonies are... to be free and independent states", 2 days before what you might think
What is July 2, 1776
It's a less popular expression to indicate having a secret advantage, but unlike the most popular one, it's a completely legal circumstance poker
What is "(having an) Ace in the hole"