Am I Bugging You?
Paint Me A Picture
While In The White House...
To Be, Or Not To Be?
Women Rule
There are approximately one million of this insect for every human in the world. This insect also never sleeps and lacks lungs.
What is an ant?
This early 19th-century bird enthusiast painted more than 400 watercolors of birds in his lifetime, and later lent his name to a nonprofit conservation society.
Who is Audubon?
This early 19th-century President and Founding father is credited with the invention of the swivel chair.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
In his life, Shakespeare wrote 17 comedies, 10 tragedies, and 10 plays of this genre, including "Henry V" and "Richard III."
What are histories?
The Queen of Egypt in 51 BC, she had a son with a certain Roman dictator and three children with a famous general of Rome's empire.
Who is Cleopatra?
Although this winged insect has thousands of lenses in its eyes, it can only see the colors on a stoplight: red, yellow, and green.
What is a butterfly?
This famous Italian was a vegetarian and animal rights activist, sometimes buying cages of birds only to set them free. You could say he was a real Renaissance man.
Who is da Vinci?
This controversial President and veteran of the War of 1812 taught his parrot to curse--so well that the bird had to be removed from his funeral because of its disruptive potty mouth.
Who is Andrew Jackson?
Shakespeare's plays have been translated into approximately 80 languages, including this fictional alien language spoken by the inhabitants of the planet Qo'noS.
What is Klingon?
This English queen was the last of the Tudors and ruled for 45 years, during which time she saw the defeat of the Spanish Armada and the dawn of England's reign as the preeminent world power.
Who is Elizabeth I?
This slow-moving invertebrate and sometimes delicacy can re-grow an eye if it loses one.
What is a snail?
This Spaniard believed he was his dead brother reincarnated and painted himself in silhouette into every one of his paintings. Talk about surreal.
Who is Dali?
The only President who remained a bachelor his entire life.
Who is James Buchanan?
"The Comedy of Errors" was the Bard's shortest play. This was the longest, at 4,042 lines.
What is "Hamlet?"
This Pakistani Prime Minister served two non-consecutive terms with her initial election in 1988 making her the first female to head an Islamic government. Tragically, she was assassinated in 2007.
Who is Benazir Bhutto?
This tiny guy can jump up to 200 times his height, or the equivalent of a woman being able to jump over the Empire State Building.
What is a flea?
This 20th-century American artist sealed random objects including a mummified foot, Caroline Kennedy’s birthday cake, and a 17th-century German book on wrestling in a box at the end of every month to create personal time capsules.
Who is Warhol?
This sickly 19th-century President was the last to be born as a British subject but the first to have electricity in the White House. Terrified of being electrocuted, he never turned on the lights himself.
Who is William Harrison?
In his will, Shakespeare allegedly left his wife his "second-best" of these.
What is a bed?
This Burmese opposition politician received both the Nobel Peace Prize and the Presidential Medal of Freedom and remained one of the most famous political prisoners until she was released from house arrest in 2010.
Who is Aung San Suu Kyi?
Houseflies always hum in this musical key.
What is F?
This French master's painting "Le Bateau" hung upside-down in New York's Museum of Modern Art for 46 days before anyone noticed the error.
Who is Matisse?
This Virginia Democrat was the only President to have earned a PhD, yet he couldn't read until the age of 10.
Who is Woodrow Wilson?
Because men played women on the stage in Shakespeare's time, the part of Rosalind in this play was filled by a man, who, according to the character's storyline, had to pretend to be a woman who pretended to be a man pretending to be a woman.
What is "As You Like It?"
Born in poverty outside of the country over which she ruled, this queen gained the throne by heading a coup that forced her husband to abdicate six months into his reign. Famous for her numerous affairs, she often rewarded her consorts with titles, serfs, and in one case, the throne of Poland.
Who is Catherine the Great?