Part of the costs that are prepaid by the renter to the lender a the time of the application being submitted.
Application Fee
The person who helps provide the services that are needed by an individual.
Case Manager.
A payment made by the tenant, paid to the landlord who has suffered damage to is or her personal property by the tenant.
Damage Deposit.
Formal legal document or agreement between the landlord and the tenant, whereby the landlord agrees to rent property to the tenant for a period of time in return for payment from the tenant.
A place where people live such as apartments, hotels, mobile homes, nursing homes, and single-family housing.
An agreement between two or more parties, such as a lease or contract, that is written and enforceable by law.
Binding Agreement
The person being sued or accused in a court of law.
The formal removal, or legal proceeding by the landlord of a tenant who failed to meet their rental obligations.
A written order of payment in the amount of money owed to an individual, such as a landlord.
Money Order
Government aid that usually consists of money, food, food stamps, or other benefits, given by government agencies to people on low income, with dependent children, and others in financial distress.
Public Assistance.
Another person signs the lease and promises to pay the other person's rent as stated in the lease if the other person fails to do so.
Professional that provides counselling and housing to individuals on housing issues, such as loan default, fair housing, renting and home buying.
Housing Counselor.
Notice given by the landlord to the tenant to leave the premises, either by a certain date or to pay the overdue rent or correct the issue, within a short period of time, usually 3 days.
Notice to quit the premises.
Compensation or fee paid for the occupancy and use of any rental property. The amount charged by the landlord, to occupy the unit, and usually charged monthly.
The length of lease/rental agreement.
Used by lenders to determine a potential renters credit worthiness.
Credit Report.
A person, corporation, or a group of persons or corporations that own land or a building and rents some or all of it to someone else.
A court order that entitles the landlord to legally evict a tenant to regain possession of the property.
Order of Possession.
A non-interest refundable amount of money, usually equal to the amount of rent, that will be held by the landlord to ensure that the conditions and obligations under the lease agreements are met.
Security Deposit.
Any state, county, municipality or other governmental entity or public body that has the authority under the state enabling legislation to engage in the development or administration of low-rent housing.
Finding a residence that is suitable or has been adapted for people with physical disabilities so that all areas such as entryways, bathrooms and stairs are usable.
A person or organization that usually signs a lease and rents a property from another.
Legal notice from the landlord to the tenant stating that the tenant has not met the conditions of the lease terms and therefore the agreement has ended and the tenant must leave the dwelling.
Services provided by public utility companies such as water, gas, electric and phone. Usually must be transferred to tenants name upon agreement of renting.
The person who initiates a lawsuit against someone else in a court of law.