Making Inferences
Theme and key details
True or False

During lunch, Jashawn noticed RJ trying to scratch the middle of his back. Jashawn was curious, so he walked up to RJ and asked what was wrong. RJ pulled up his shirt. His back and chest were covered with a red rash. "Didn't you go camping the weekend?" Jashawn asked. RJ nodded. "I think I know what caused this!" Jashawn announced. 

What probably caused RJ's rash?

A. A food allergy

B. He touched poison ivy on his camping trip

C. There are fleas in his home.

B. He touched poison ivy on his camping trip


Mia didn't want to look at Anthony. They booth knew that Mia was horrible at kickball. But the teacher had made Anthony the captain of one of the teams. The two were best friends, but Mia wouldn't have picked herself for any team. She was that bad. As she stared at the ground, she heard her name. Mia looked up. Anthony was pointing at her. "Get over here, pal. You're on my team!

What is the theme of this passage?

A. Loyalty 

B. Fairness

C. Taking a stand

A. Loyalty


What does the E in RACE stand for?


Explain your answer. 


True or false 

It is okay to answer the questions before reading the passage?



You have just read a passage about Turtles and their shells. After reading, you have to answer questions about what you've read. Question number 1 asks, 

"Give two examples of how a turtles shell can protect them."

Please provide a sentence stem to answer the question. 

Two examples of how a turtles shell can protect them are _________ & ______. In the text it says ___________. 


Kimora and Paris put the finishing touches on their paintings as Ms.Baker walked by. Ms.Baker looked at Kimora's painting and nodded. When Ms.Baker looked at Paris' painting, she made a face. "Paris" she said, "you were supposed to paint your happy place. Please try again." Paris got up and stormed out the door. 

What kind of face do you think Ms.Baker made?

A. A happy face

B. An angry face

C. A disappointed face 

C. A disappointed face

At the carnival, Brazil closed her eyes and sniffed the air. The smells were amazing! She could detect buttered popcorn, funnel cake, hamburgers, and pizza. She thought she could even make out the smell of fried peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! There were so many different foods. Brazil wasn't sure she could try them all before the night was through. But she was going to try! 

What does Brazil NOT smell?

A. Pizza

B. Fried sandwiches

C. Cotton Candy

C. Cotton candy


What does the R in RACE stand for?


Restate the question in your answer. 


True or false 

If the question is multiple choice, I do NOT need to go back into the text to find details to support my answer.




What is an idiom?

(If you cannot remember the definition, feel free to give me an example of one)

A phrase or expression that typically presents figurative, non-literal meaning attached to the phrase. 

Example: It's raining cats and dogs!


Aliana watched as Aline put on her goggles and ran around the house. Aliana was wearing water wings on her arms, and slippers on her feet. Just as she opened the door, there was a flash of bright light and the roar of thunder. Both Aliana and Aline jumped in fear. Aline ripped off her goggles and threw them to the ground. Then she began to cry. 

What do you think Aline was going to do before the storm?

A. Play in the front yard

B. Ride her bike

C. Go swimming

C. Go swimming


Deon stared at the money in his hand. He had paid with a $20 bill. The clerk had given him a $50 bill in return. Deon didn't notice until he was outside the store, which is where he was now. He could buy a lot of cool stuff with the money. But he felt uneasy. "It's not right," He thought to himself. "I have to give this back." With a sigh, Deon opened the door and walked back into the store. 

What is the theme of this passage?

A. Making good choices

B. Overcoming challenges

C. Never giving up

A. Making good choices


What does the C in RACE Stand for

Cite evidence 


True or false 

I should always write in full and complete sentences.



Where can you look for the main idea in a passage? 

Give AT LEAST TWO places. 

The headings

Repeated words or phrases

The first and last sentence.


Tuesday was our last day of school before we went on vacation. We had a pizza party in our classroom and watched movies. When the last bell rang, I grabbed my jacket and ran out the door. I was in such a rush that I forgot my scarf and mittens! When I finally got home, my mom had a cup of hot chocolate waiting for me. It was such a good day. 

When do you think this story takes place?

A. Spring

B. Summer


C. Winter


It was the video game tournament to beat al tournaments. Everyone in Indianapolis had entered. Now, it was down to just Jaxen and Anderson. Anderson was sure he was going to win the trophy- until he saw Jaxen's secret weapon. It was a video game controller that fit over Jaxen's entire arm. "Hey!" Anderson yelled. "That's not fair!"

What is the prize for winning the tournament?

A. A secret weapon

B. A vide game

C. A trophy 

C. A trophy 


The A in RACE stand for what?


Answer the question 


True or false

When I finish the last question on ILEARN, I should submit my test right away!


Go back and check your work and DO NOT submit until an adult gives you the OK! 


What are 2 things should you do before answering questions about a passage?

(Any 2 things that we talk about for ILEARN strategies)

Read the question twice

Read all the answer choices 

Eliminate answer choices 

Read the passage thoroughly 


Michael covered his eyes with his hands. "Who is shining a flashlight on my face?" he said. He yawned and opened his eyes. He could barely make out the clock in the bright sunlight. "10:11," he said. "Wait, 10:11? Oh no!" Michael jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed. Then he grabbed his backpack and rushed out the door. 

Michael rushes out the door because _______

A. He can't see

B. He woke up late

c. The sun is too bright

B. He woke up late. 


Kadence stood on the fence and squinted. Far off in the distance, she could see a group of people on horseback riding quickly toward the ranch. "You won't take our cattle," She said softly. "I won't let you." Just then, she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Why don't you go inside and get some rest? A familiar voice said. "Your uncles and I will handle this."

What is the theme of this passage?

A. accepting differences

B. Valuing traditions

C. Standing up for what you believe in


C. Standing up for what you believe in


How would you restate this question in your answer?

How did Aaron feel after he won his basketball game?

A. Aaron felt _____

B. Aaron won his basketball game. 

C. After winning his basketball game, Aaron felt ___

B. After winning his basketball game, Aaron felt ___


True or false 




What the lesson or moral of the story called?

