What is the S
Sign and symptoms
What is D
Can you refuse transport for a patient based on ability to pay?
No, this could be considered abandoment - If they are refusing transport based on financial reasons, you should still offer them transport
What skin temperature might you expect to find on a patient in shock?
What is the most accessible way to prevent the spread of disease?
What is the A
What is P
On a card or medic alert tags
What structure is located directly below the vocal cords and is a passageway for air?
The main purpose of using body substance isolation precautions is to:
Protect yourself from an exposure
What is the E
What is L
What comprises an EMS system?
All providers, both volunteer and paid, that provide medical treatment outside of the hospital.-This in not just limited to ambulance services
What organ is primarily responsible for detoxifying blood?
What is the best way to decrease the transmission of infections materials?
What is the P
Past medical history
What is S
What are the difference between expressed and implied consent?
Expressed is given by the patient or guardian, implied is assumed when there are life-threatening conditions and the patient can't consent
Which organ system is the "fuel system" for the body?
What type of PPE should you use for someone that is actively coughing?
Gloves, Eyewear or faceshield, N-95 mask or HEPA respirator
What is the L
Last oral intake
What is T
What is the best way to improve your skills and eliminate deficiencies?
Attend continuing education
Which organ system is primarily responsible for the chemical regulation of the body?
The Endocrine system. The nervous system is responsible for the electrical regulation.
What type of equipment should you use to prevent cross contamination between patients?