How many articles are in the sentence?
We were lucky to get a ticket for that singer’s show at the arena this Saturday.
a, the
(articles = a, an, the)
List 3 subject pronouns and 3 object pronouns.
subject - I, you, he, she, it, they, we
object - me, you, him, her, it, them, us
How do you tell if a word is acting as a linking verb or an action verb?
replacement rule
(replace the word with a linking verb like is, am, was, are, were. if it makes sense, it's a linking verb. if not, it's an action verb)
Identify the verb phrase in the sentence. Break it down into auxiliary verb(s) and main verb(s).
The team was anxious about their upcoming game.
How many prepositional phrases are in the sentence?
She drove around the block on her way to get to school.
around the block
on her way
to school
(to get is a verb phrase, not a prep. phrase)
Identify the function of the capitalized word (part of speech + type)
The woman at the store collected OUR coupons.
possessive pronoun
Is the verb in the sentence below transitive or intransitive? Why?
The waterfall carves a canyon through the mountains.
It is transitive because it has a direct object. carves who or what? canyon.
Identify the subject complement and tell its type.
Tomato basil was the soup of the day at the fancy restaurant.
soup = predicate nominative
What is the antecedent of the capitalized pronoun?
The wind and rain started quickly, but THEY ended just as fast.
wind, rain
Identify the function of the capitalized word (part of speech + type)
Can you hand me THAT piece of paper on the floor?
demonstrative adjective
(demonstrative = this, that, these, those; adjective because it describes the noun piece of paper)
Identify the type of sentence and list the conjunctions and their type.
Although it was raining, we were able to continue our walk because we had umbrellas.
complex (2 dependent clauses and one independent clause. does not matter how many dependent clauses there are. if there is at least one DC, the sentence is complex. You have to have 2 or more ICs to be compound.)
although - subordinating; because - subordinating
Identify the type of sentence and list the conjunctions and their type.
The sun had set behind the mountains, but the air remained warm, so we stayed outside a bit longer.
compound (IC + IC + IC)
but & so are both coordinating conjunctions
How many common & proper nouns are in the sentence?
My friend thinks the clothing at Macy’s in the mall is expensive.
3 common (friend, clothing, mall)
1 proper (Macy's)
Identify the function of the capitalized word (part of speech + type)
WHICH parade goes through downtown Baton Rouge?
interrogative adjective
List 8 subordinating conjunctions
after, although, as, as if, because, before, how, if, since, though, unless, until, when, where, while
Identify the following in the sentence IF it has them: intransitive or transitive verb, direct object, indirect object
They offered my mother a ride to the office yesterday morning.
offered - transitive verb
mother - IO
ride - DO
How many singular & plural nouns are in the sentence?
The repairmen fixed the broken shelves in the kitchen while the children played.
1 singular (kitchen)
3 plural (repairmen, shelves, children)
Identify the function of the capitalized word (part of speech + type)
WHAT are you doing during Mardi Gras break?
interrogative pronoun
(pronoun because it stands on its own and does not describe a noun)
Identify the function of the capitalized word in the sentence: direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, or predicate adjective.
The chicken and sausage jambalaya smells GOOD and spicy.
predicate adjective
Give the simple subject, simple predicate, complete subject, and complete predicate in the sentence below.
Visitors of Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming should never pet animals like bison and deer.
SS - visitors
SP - should pet
CS - visitors of Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming
CP - should never pet animals like bison and deer
Identify the object(s) of the preposition in the sentence.
They went to the laundromat to wash their sheets and towels.
(to the laundromat is the prepositional phrase)
(to wash is NOT a prepositional phrase, it is a verb phrase)
Identify the function of the capitalized word (part of speech + type)
We SOMETIMES go to that restaurant on Sundays.
adverb - frequency (tells how often)
Identify the following in the sentence IF it has them: intransitive or transitive verb, direct object, indirect object
She hurriedly wrote a heartfelt letter to her friend for her birthday.
transitive verb
DO - letter
no IO
Usually, the word walk is an intransitive verb. Write down a sentence where walk is a transitive verb.
walk should have a direct object (ex: walk the dog, walk a mile, walk a path)
Identify the adverb in the sentence and its type (place, time, frequency, degree, manner)
The leaves in the trees barely moved in the breeze.
barely - degree
(degree = how much? or to what extent; "phone charger words")
Identify the function of the capitalized word (part of speech + type)
I had a LOVELY time at the party.
adjective - descriptive
(describes the word time, which is a noun. Remember: not all -ly words are adverbs)
Identify the subject complement and tell its type.
The sunset was an extremely beautiful treat for my eyes.
treat = predicate nominative
Fill in the blanks about verbs:
Linking verbs will always have ____ such as __ and __.
Action verbs can have ____ such as __ and __.
subject complements: predicate adjective & predicate nominative
objects: direct object & indirect object
Identify the adjective in the sentence and its type (descriptive, comparative, superlative, interrogative, or demonstrative)
He quickly realized that the situation was worse than he thought.
worse - comparative
Identify the function of the capitalized word (part of speech + type)
Please sit DOWN and start on your work.
adverb - place
(not a preposition because it doesn't have an object. adverbs don't have objects)
Identify the verb phrase in the sentence. Break it down into auxiliary verb(s) and main verb(s).
She will not be joining them on their trip next week.
verb phrase = will be joining
auxiliary - will, be
main - joining
Identify the subject complement in the sentence and tell its type.
That’s a real shame about the missed assignment.
shame = predicate nominative