Name 1 preposition in 5 seconds
name 1 preposition
You have to concentrate ___ your test if you want to get answers right!
What are 3 adjectives that can be used with the preposition "about"?
Any 3 of the following: Angry about, Anxious about, Excited about, Furious about, Happy about, Nervous about, Serious about, Worried about
Give 3 examples of prepositions that start with the letter "b".
Any 3 of the following: By, Beside, Below, Behind, Before, Beneath, Between
Name 2 prepositions in 6 seconds
name 2 pronouns in 6 seconds
I borrowed a pen ___ my brother.
What are 3 verbs that can be used with the preposition "about"?
Argue about, Ask about, Care about, Concern about, Decide about, Dream about, Forget about, Know about, Laugh about, Think about, Worry about
Give 3 examples of prepositions that start with the letter "t".
Any 3 of the following: Through, To, Till, Times (x5), Toward, Towards, Than
Name 3 prepositions in 7 seconds
name 3 pronouns in 7 seconds
I paid ___ my tickets ___ advance.
What are 3 adjectives that can be used with the preposition "with"?
Any 3 of the following: Associated with, Bored with, Blessed with, Confronted with, Delighted with, Disappointed with, Fed up with, Pleased with, Familiar with, Popular with, Satisfied with
Give 3 examples of prepositions that start with the letter "o".
Any 3 of the following: On, Onto, Opposite, Outside, Over, Out, Of
Name 5 prepositions in 8 seconds
name 5 pronouns in 8 seconds
"You should worry ___ your exam results ___ once ____ your life!" mom told Henry.
What are 3 verbs that can be used with the preposition "to"?
Any 3 of the following: Adapt to, Add to, Agree to, Apologize to, Belong to, Happen to, Listen to, React to, Refer to, Reply to, Speak to, Talk to
Give 3 examples of prepositions that start with the letter "a".
Any 3 of these: At, About, As, Above, Aside, Among, Against, Around, Along, After
Name 7 prepositions in 12 seconds.
name 7 pronouns in 12 seconds
I thought ___ it a lot and ___ last I decided to buy the red car!
Prepositions usually give information about (2)...
Time (when?) Location (where?)
Give 3 examples of prepositions that start with the letter "i".
In, Inside, Instead