A collection of individual news stories. Played multiple times a day. What kind of program is this?
Includes drama and comedy programming. Requires actors. What kind of program is this?
The easiest program to shoot. Requires only a camera, talent and a desk or podium for the talent to speak at. What kind of program is this?
Essentially a research paper for television. The audio could be off-camera narration, on-camera narration, or a combo of both. What kind of program is this?
What is rule #1 of 10 rules to writing an anchor script?
Write in all CAPS.
Sketches that portray the way the image on television should look in the finished program.
What kind of programs might use an advertising-based script?
PSAs or Commercials.
Why is this rule important?
Rule #2 Put speakers’ names first with a colon next to the name.
So each anchor know who is supposed to say what.
Usually for cooking shows, how-to shows, and infomercials. It is more interesting to watch than lecture alone because of the action and props used. What kind of program is this?
How many seconds should each speaking part be when writing an anchor script?
No more than 15 seconds.
Is this active or passive voice?
The car was driven by her.
Format that presents a group of people gathered to discuss topics of interest. Driven by the program’s content, not action. Includes a lot of daytime talk shows. What kind of program is this?
Panel Discussion
A program that is 30 seconds or 60 seconds in length. Aims to inform the public or to convince the public to do something in the interest of the common good. What kind of program is this?
PSA or Public Service Announcement
Program format that involves conversation between an interviewer and interviewee. Includes “NOD SHOTS.” What kind of program is this?
Interview programs
Written only for the listening ear. There is not video to accompany the audio. Strong verbiage and written conversationally. Which kind of script is this?
A program which format in which all or most of the audio is a song. Concert style: mainly seeing the band perform. Story Style: The audience hears the music, but never sees the band. Instead actors act out a story line that is supported by the lyrics to the song. What kind of program is this?
Music Video
What kind of programs might use a fact-based script?
A program script in which every word spoken by the talent is written out. Which kind of script is this?
Word-For-Word Script
What kind of programs might use an entertainment-based script?
Movies or television shows.
A program script that usually has a word-for-word introduction and conclusion, but an outline for the body of the script. Which kind of script is this?
Outline Script
Comprises feature packages and each package addresses a different topic. More detail in each story and less amount of stories. What kind of program is this?
A magazine program
A program script that is very brief and used for programs in which the order of events is predetermined and the sequence of each episode is consistent. What kind of script is this?
Why is rule #5 of rules to writing an anchor script so important?
It is important because we want to respect others and ensure we pronounce their names correctly.
A script that ensures that pertinent information is relayed efficiently and engagingly to viewers. A well-crafted script can transform a routine news presentation into a compelling narrative. What kind of script is this?
An anchor script.
Enclose package names in double parenthesis with the word “ROLL” in front. Which rule of 10 rules to writing an anchor script is this?
Rule # 3