Before entering the room, a child must have...

What is a name-tag from the check-in desk. 


You are allowed to leave children in the room unsupervised while you go to the bathroom.

What is False.


How long do we wait for a child to cry before calling a parent to come pick up?

What is 5-10 minutes. 


What is the youngest grade of our Student Leaders?

What is 6th grade.


How much time should you give yourself to reset the room before parents come to pick up?

What is-

Curriculum rooms: After craft/Pastor Closing Call

Non-Curriculum Rooms: 10 minutes/Pastor is Closing Call


When is a parent allowed to come in the room with their child?

What is-  Only adults who have been background checked, and are serving, are allowed inside the classroom. 


This ensures the safety of every child and minimizes classroom disruptions. If there is a special circumstance Tara will communicate to you. Regardless of the circumstance, only Team Destiny background checked individuals will ever enter the room.  


A parent can drop off their child when they say they aren't feeling well.

What is False.

Children should not be dropped off if they have/have been-

  • A fever of 99 degrees or higher
  • Diarrhea or vomiting— no matter what the cause (i.e. medication, teething, etc.)
  • Common cold (from onset through one week)
  • Any symptom of childhood diseases such as Scarlet Fever, German Measles, Mumps, Chicken Pox, or Whooping Cough
  • Sore throat, constant cough, or croup
  • Colored mucus (runny nose that is not clear; in the eyes)
  • Any unexplained rash
  • Any skin infection: boils, ringworm, impetigo, or any open sores that leak fluid/blood
  • Pinkeye, redness of the eyes, or any other eye infection
  • Any communicable disease
  • Lice— including the presence of eggs or nits

You have ownership over your room and can redirect a parent to come chat with me/the service leader if they are trying to drop off a child who has any of the above.


What behavioral causes are there for a child to have immediate removal from a room?

What is-

  • Punching
  • Kicking
  • Biting
  • Slapping
  • Spitting
  • Cursing

What are student leaders allowed to do during drop-off in the service?

What is-

play with kids

prep crafts/game supplies

prep cheerio cups and water


Name 2 Service Leads on our team.

What is:

Tara Padgett

Rachael Hustad

Sierra Gilley

Jana Miles


Who is allowed to pick up a child after a service?

What is anyone who has the pickup tag with the MATCHING code to the child's name-tag. 


Depending on family situations, the parent is not always the person who is meant to pick up a child. Even if a parent came to pick up and you know it is that child's parent-they STILL have to have a matching pick up tag to the child they are retrieving. 

BONUS- If a parent doesn't have a pick-up tag, where do you send them?


When a blood spill happens in the room you:

contact the service lead so they can contact a family member, put on gloves, clean the spill with soap and water, dispose of gloves/cleaning supplies into a trash bag that is then sealed, wash your hands with soap and water

What is true. 


What are some ways you can demonstrate affection for the kids you are caring for while maintaining safe and positive boundaries?

What is:

  • Brief hugs
  • Pats on the shoulder or back
  • Handshakes
  • “High-fives”
  • Verbal praise
  • Arms around shoulders
  • Holding hands while walking with small children
  • Sitting beside small children
  • Kneeling or bending down for hugs with small children
  • Holding hands during prayer

At what age are Student Leaders allowed to help change diapers?

What is age 15.


How do you handle difficult conversations with a parent about a child's behavior?

What don't.

Always direct a parent to the Service Lead/Coordinator when a child has had a behavioral problem. Since all behavioral problems are told to the Lead/Coordinator immediately, they Lead/Coordinator will handle discussing behavior of children with parents. This provides a separation of you from any negative feedback. It keeps you as the "fun" person for them in Pre-K. Let the Lead/Coordinator be the "bad guy".


Please explain either our diaper changing policy or our bathroom policy. Explain both and get double points!

What is:

Diaper Changing- 

Only teachers, and assistant teachers are allowed to change diapers. Only female volunteers can change diapers, and must be 15+. Use a new pair of gloves with each child, and disinfect the changing table after each child. Place soiled diaper in a small diaper bag before placing in the trash can. Use diapers from the child’s bag and place a “CHANGED WITH LOVE” sticker on the front of diaper. If a child came without a diaper, there are various sizes of extra diapers near the changing table. Never leave a child unattended on the changing table .Make sure all supplies are readily available before changing diapers. Always keep a hand on the child.


For ages 3-5, Never wipe a child’s bottom. Children ages 3-5 years should be encouraged to use the bathroom at least once during the service. Never go into the bathroom with the children. Stay outside, with the door cracked, and notify the Preschool Service Lead or Preschool Director if you need to go inside the bathroom.


You can find any report/form in the room binder.

What is True.


Which rooms/age groups watch our Bible Story?

What is - 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s.


When should student leaders be left alone in the room with a group of kids?

What is....never.


True or False: Room leaders are allowed to make parent calls to come pick up kids.

What is False.


Are you allowed to have a weapon in the Pre-K area?

What is- No.

You are prohibited from carrying a weapon during the course of serving in the student area. This applies even if you are licensed to carry a handgun.

Prohibited weapons include any form of weapon or explosive restricted under local, state or federal regulation. This includes all firearms, illegal knives or other weapons covered by the law. We also ask that, legal, chemical-dispensing devices such as pepper sprays that are sold commercially for personal protection are not brought into any of our children’s ministry areas.

Exceptions are only allowed if the church has given consent to carry a weapon while performing specific tasks on its behalf. This includes police officers or guards who are performing security services for the church.


You should arrive no later than 20 minutes prior to the service you are serving at. 

What is true.


We want to ensure that there is smooth transition from service to service. But we also tell our congregants that our doors open for drop-off 15 minutes prior to service. For this to happen safely we must be ready in the rooms prior to that 15 minute call. 


What steps do we take to ensure the room is prepped/ready for the next service and servant leader relieving our position?

What is-

Cleaning surfaces with cleaning wipes/spray

Putting toys away in a neat/orderly manner so the room starts fresh for the next service

Cleaning any tippy cups/toys used by children and placing them on the drying rack. 

Bagging up any full trash bags and letting the service lead know there needs to be a replacement bag

Making sure the wipes/diapers are ready to be used if needed

Checking water bottle amount/cheerio levels


What are ways you can encourage your student leaders in the room?

What is-

verbal praise of good actions

allowing them to lead the worship or game sections of curriculum

share with the service lead what they did to improve service that day


Explain our Allergy Policy Concerning outside food/drink snacks.

What is:No outside food or drinks are allowed. If a child has an allergy it will be reflected on their tag.

  • Please be aware of child’s tag when you are receiving child if there is an allergy listed. Please confirm, with parent, if child should or should not be given the snack we are providing
  • Parents are responsible for notifying both Check-In, and teachers, of any allergies
  • Check-In will generate these bracelts and request that the parent put the bracelet on the child’s wrist
  • We have an EPIPEN policy that must be followed.

    • If a parent states a child has an allergy ask if the child has an EPIPEN
    • If the child does have an EPIPEN, it must come in the prescription box inside a Zip Lock bag as we do not provide, or store, EPIPENS on campus
    • An EPIPEN Administration Permission Form and EPIPEN Release form must be filled out by the parent or legal guardian.
    • Include, inside the Zip Lock bag, the EPIPEN and a completed half-sheet EPIPEN Administration Permission Form
    • All forms are located at the Preschool Check-In area
    • Prescription box must be properly, and clearly, labeled with:

      • The child’s first and last name
      • The dosage of Epinephrine
      • The expiration date (we will NOT accept expired EPIPENS)
  • When the parent brings the EPIPEN to the class, the teacher must store it in a secure location out of reach of children.
  • EPIPENS cannot be shared
  • Parents must pick up the EPIPENS at the end of service
  • If an Epipen is left behind, the Preschool Coordinator, or Preschool Service Lead, will call the parent for pick up. EPIPEN will be stored in a locked cabinet located within the Preschool Ministry Department