If you have to do the washing up, I will help you.
When is PRESENT REAL conditional used?
General truth, Universal truth, Habit?
Make a present REAL conditional sentence. (I / wake up late / I / be late for work)
"If I wake up late I'm late for work."
Say the follwoing using unless:
If I don't volunteer, someone else will.
"Unless I volunteer, someone else will."
Whenever my roommate snores loudly, I cannot sleep.
PRESENT REAL conditional
When do we use FUTURE REAL conditional?
Possible situations, cause and effect
Make a present/future UNREAL conditional sentence. (I / to meet a genie / I / to ask him for my three wishes)
"If I met a genie, I would ask him for my three wishes"
True or false: When a sentence begins with 'Only if', do not use a comma. Also, the modal in the independent clase comes before the subject.
When they go for a walk, they turn the lights off.
PRESENT REAL conditional
When do we use UNREAL conditionals?
Imaginary situations, untrue to present
Make a present REAL conditional sentence. (you / to smoke / you / to get yellow fingers)
"If you smoke, you get yellow fingers."
TRUE OR FALSE 'Even if' emphasizes that the condition does not matter, the result will change.
Would you be surprised if it snowed next July?
Say the tense differences between PRESENT and FUTURE REAL conditionals.
PRESENT: all present tenses FUTURE: if-clause (present), main clause (future)
Make a FUTURE REAL conditional sentence. ( You / to forget my birthday / I / to speak to you again)
"If you forget my birthday, I'll never speak to you again".
If I ___________(be) a baby, I __________(sleep) and _______(play) all day. (The fact is, you are NOT a baby now)
were, would sleep, (would) play
right or wrong: Only if my boss sends me to Japan, I will be happy.
Only if my boss sends me to Japan will I be happy.
If I had time, I would learn to play the guitar.
Compare ALL conditionals
PRESENT REAL : general truth, if-clause (present), main clause (present)
FUTURE REAL: possible situations, if-clause (present), main clause (be going to/future modals)
PRESENT/FUTURE UNREAL: imaginary situation, untrue to present, if-clause (past), main clause (would/modals + BASE FORM VERB)
Make a FUTURE REAL conditional sentence. (The weather / to be as sunny tomorrow as it was today / we /will/ to go surfing).
"If the weather is as sunny tomorrow as it was today, we will go surfing."
What cities _______ you _________ (visit) if you went to South Africa?
would /visit
ONLY IF or UNLESS: Society will not be able to continue in its current form _______ we all recognize the need for alternative energy sources.
Society will not be able to continue in its current form UNLESS we all recognize the need for alternative energy sources.