Šel jsi ven včera večer?
Did you go out last night?
Tanya nepracuje tento týden.
Tanya isn't working this week.
Bazén otevírá v 7.30 každé ráno.
The swimming pool opens at 7.30 every morning.
Co jsi dělal v 8 hodin?
What were you doing at 8 o'clock?
Hrál fotbal před půl hodinou.
He was playing football half an hour ago.
Četl jsem si a Jenny dělala domácí úkol
I was reading and Jenny was doing her homework.
Robert nepije kafe.
Robert doesn't drink coffee.
Laura se koupe.
Laura is having a bath.
Učil jsem se angličtinu včera celé odpoledne.
I was learning English all afternoon yesterday.
Kolik her napsal Shakespeare?
How many plays did Shakespeare write?
Alex je učitel. Učí matematiku.
Alex is a teacher. He teaches maths.
Má matka mě učila hrát na kytaru.
My mother taught me to play the gutar.
Už neprší.
It isn't raining any more.
Co znamená tohle slovo?
What does this word mean?
Lucas zavolal zatímco jsme snídali.
Lucas phoned while we were having breakfast.
Co Ben studuje?
What is Ben studying?
Viděli jsme Rosu ve městě před pár dny.
We saw Rose in town a few days ago.
Simon mluví francouzsky velmi dobře.
Simon speaks French very well.
Šel jsem domů, když jsem uviděl Davida.
I was walking home when I saw David.
Sue vstala v 5 hodin.
Sue got up at 5 o'clock.
Ann si koupila šaty, které stály 100 liber.
Ann bought a dress which cost 100 pounds.
Nedělej takový hluk. Snažím se pracovat.
Don't make so much noise. I'm trying to work.
Ten film jsem si moc neužil.
I didn't enjoy the film very much.
Where does Martin come from?
Včera v noci jsem nespal moc dobře.
I didn't sleep very well last night.