It is a tool used for cleaning. It has a long handle and a part with bristles at the end. You use it to sweep dust and dirt off the floor.
Conjugate "Iron" in the present perfect tense (She)
She has ironed.
Translate to English: He lavado los platos
I have washed the dishes
Translate to Spanish: I have eaten dinner with my family
He cenado con mi familia
It is a tool used for cleaning floors. It has a long handle with a soft, absorbent material at the end, like cloth or sponge. You dip it in water and use it to wipe and clean the floor, especially when it's dirty or we
Conjugate "Fall" in the present tense using the second person.
You have fallen.
Translate to English: Han lavado su ropa.
They have washed their clothes.
Translate to Spanish: They have done the dishes after breakfast.
Han lavado los platos despues del desayuno.
Flat surfaces are usually attached to a wall or inside a cabinet. They are used to hold or store things like books, dishes, or other items.
Conjugate "Clean" in the present perfect using the first person plural.
We have cleaned.
Translate to English: Has sacado a pasear al perro
You have walked the dog.
Translate to Spanish: I´ve become such a good student.
Me he convertido/Hecho en un buen estudiante.
These are regular tasks or duties that need to be done around the house, such as cleaning, cooking, washing dishes, or taking out the garbage
Conjugate "Save" in the present perfect using the third person plural.
They have saved.
Translate to English: Él ha hecho la cena.
He has cooked/prepare the dinner
Translate to Spanish: She has told her mom that she wants to be a teacher.
(Ella)Le he dicho a su madre/mamá que quiere ser profesora.
It is an action thatmeans to collect the trash from inside your home and carry it outside to a larger bin or a designated area where it's picked up for disposal.
Take out the garbage
Conjugate "Sleep" in the present perfect using the third person singular.
She/He/It has slept.
translate to English: ¿Ha volado la abeja hasta la flor?
Has the bee flown to the flower?
Translate to Spanish: He has not slept very well lately.
Él no ha dormido bien ultimamente.