What's the correct order?
Ella siempre corre
she always runs
Describe her hair:
She's got long, straight brown hair
Yo nunca juego al futbol. Yo juego al tenis
I never play football. I play tennis
Describe her hair and eyes:
She's got long, curly red hair and blue eyes
Juan y Juana no hacen gimnasia
They don't do gymnastics
Describe: hair, eyes and personality
He's got short, straight, brown hair.
He's got a beard
He's got brown eyes
He's sporty, shy... etc
Mi hermano y yo a veces vamos a nadar
My brother and I sometimes go swimming
Describe your
hair, eyes, personality
I've got...
I'm ...
Mi mamá no va a la escuela. Ella trabaja.
My mum doesn't go to schoo. She works.