I have
I listen (to)
He does
Il fait
Je fais du vélo avec mes amis.
I go biking with my friends.
What is an infinitive?
The WHOLE verb (ending in -er/-ir/-re)
We have
Nous avons
You swim
Tu nages
You (pl/for) go
Vous allez
De temps en temps, tu écoutes de la musique
From time to time, you listen to music
These are the 3 ways you can translate in English "elle travaille".
She is working, she works and she does work
They (masc/mixed) are
Ils sont
She gains weight
Elle grossit
He goes
Il va
Maria hates going to school because her friends are stupid.
Maria déteste aller au college parce que ses amis sont stupides.
What does 'conjugation' mean?
Putting a verb into a tense
Sam and Sarah are
Sam et Sarah sont
We answer
Nous répondons
They do the dishes.
Ils/Elles font les vaisselles.
From time to time, we choose the French breakfast.
De temps en temps, nous choisissons le petit déjeuner français.
When there are 2 verbs in a sentence the ne and pas usually go around this verb.
What is "the first verb" or the conjugated verb.
You (pl/for) have
Vous avez
What are the endings for regular -ir verbs in the present tense?
-is -is -it -issons -issez -issent
The conjugation of faire in the present tense.
je fais, tu fais, il/elle/on fait
nous faisons, vous faites, ils/elles font
When I finish my homework, I draw.
Quand je finis mes devoirs, je dessine.
What is the difference between an irregular and a regular verb?
A regular verb follows a set pattern for conjugation, but irregular verbs do not (eg - the stem may change, the endings may be different)