The meaning of the verb hacer.
What is to do / to make?
The meaning of the verb salir.
What is to go out / to leave?
The proper present tense conjugation of the "tú" form of the verb almuerzas means what?
What is you eat?
The proper present tense conjugation of the singular/formal you form of the verb empezar.
What is empieza?
The meaning of the verb empezar.
What is to start?
The proper present tense conjugation for the "ustedes" form of the verb empezar.
What is empiezan?
The proper present tense conjugation of the "Maria y Eduardo" form of the verb salir.
What is salen?
The proper present tense conjugation of the "el señor Routh" form of the verb empezar.
What is empieza?
The proper present tense conjugation of the "singular/informal you" form of the verb empezar.
What is empiezas?
The stem change of the verb preferir.
What is e > ie?
The proper present tense conjugation for the "yo" form of the verb hacer.
What is hago?
The proper present tense conjugation of the "tú" form of the verb salir.
What is sales?
It costs. (singular)
What is cuesta?
The proper present tense conjugation of the "3rd person plural" form of the verb empezar.
What is empiezan?
The empezar conjugation for the you/tú pronoun.
What is empiezas?
The proper present tense conjugation for the "mi amigo y yo" form of the verb hacer.
What is hacemos?
The proper present tense conjugation of the "first person plural" form of the verb salir.
What is salimos?
The proper present tense conjugation of the "first person singular" form of the verb empezar.
What is empiezo?
My mom makes art.
Mi mamá hace el arte.
The singular pronoun he form of the verb salir.
What is sale?
She loves her mom.
Ella quiere a su madre/mamá.
Ella ama a su madre/mamá.
Escribe todas las formas de: HACER
I leave math class at 10:08 in the morning.
What is Yo salgo de la clase de matemáticas a las diez y ocho de la mañana?
My friends and I play soccer (el fútbol).
Mis amigos y yo jugamos al fútbol.
The verb empezar becomes what for the pronoun nosotros/as?
What is empezamos?