Conjugate: "barrer el suelo" (to sweep the floor)
To: "I sweep the floor"
Barro el suelo
Translate: "lavo la ropa" (I wash the clothes)
To: "I never wash the clothes"
Nunca lavo la ropa
Conjugate: "escuchar musica" (to listen to music)
To: "She listens to music"
Escucha música
What is the infinitive verb of "Escribo?"
A. Escribimos
B. Escribiro
C. Escribir
D. Escribe
Conjugate: "limpiar el baño" (to clean the bathroom)
To: "She cleans the bathroom"
Limpia el baño
Translate: "sacan la basura" (they take out the trash)
To:"They always take out the trash"
Siempre sacan la basura
Conjugate: "cuidar a la mascota" (to take care of the pet)
To: "We take care of the pet"
Cuidamos a la mascota
What is the infinitive verb of "Hablo?"
A. Hablamos
B. Hablar
C. Halabr
D. Hablara
Conjugate: "lavar los platos" (to wash the dishes)
To: "We wash the dishes"
Lavamos los platos
Translate: "paseo al perro" (I walk the dog)
To: "I sometimes walk the dog"
A veces paseo al perro
Conjugate: "leer una revista" (to read a magazine)
To: "I read a magazine"
Leo una revista
What is the infinitive verb of "Ven?"
A. Veo
B. Ved
C. Vemos
D. Ver
Conjugate: "sacudir los muebles" (to dust the furniture)
To: "You all dust the furniture"
Ustedes sacuden los muebles
Translate: "abrimos la ventana" (We open the window)
To: "We rarely open the window"
Rara vez abrimos la ventana
Conjugate: "usar la computadora" (to use the computer)
To: "We use the computer"
Usamos la computadora
Present Tense Verbs HAVE to be masculine/feminine to match the gender.
False. Verbs do not have to match the gender!! Not the same as adjectives!
Conjugate: "hacer la cama" (to make the bed)
To: "I make the bed"
Hago la cama
REMEMBER: "Hacer" is irregular in the "yo" form. Never say "haco la cama!"
Translate: "Cortamos el cesped" (We cut the grass)
To: "We cut the grass everyday"
Cortamos el césped todos los días
"todos los dias" is ALWAYS at the end. Never at the front!
Conjugate: "ver a tele" (to watch TV)
To: "I watch TV"
Veo a tele
REMEMBER: "Ver" is irregular in the "yo" form. Never say "vo a tele"
You do not need to include pronouns for Verbs.
EX: "Leo una revista." (I read a magazine)
Since "leer" is conjugated in the "yo" form, we don't need to include it. (You can though!)