Childhood Dreams
Family and Friends
Work, Work, and More Work
All Over the World
Favorite Foods
President Monson had 2 of these little pets, that he gave away to help a starving family.
What are bunnies
President Monson found a mangy dog wandering in a park. It belonged to a local sheep herder. The owner told Tommy that he wouldn't want that dog, it was part coyote. Tommy did want the dog, but the owner wouldn't give it to him. Tommy settled on another that his Uncle gave him. This dog had been left in the desert and was very sick. It had a cast on one leg, a splint on another and a broken tail. Tommy loved it and they were best friends from the moment they met. This was his dogs name
What is Duke
"It is not the number of ours you put in, but what you put in the hours that counts," President Monson has said. He worked very hard in college. This was his favorite subject.
What is History
President Monson was called to preside over this mission at the age of 31.
What is The Canadian Mission
A habit that he's had since childhood, this is what President Monson likes to eat in the mornings.
What is Wheaties
Our prophet grew up in Salt Lake City, UT near something that made a lot of noise!! Often this loud thing brought homeless people to their neighborhood, who President Monson's family always helped feed.
What is a railroad track
President Monson had an older sister he like to play pranks on! One day his teenage sister Marge ad a couple of her friends were lying out in the warm sun by a river. He and a friend hid some live frogs in mud balls and dropped them on the stomachs of the sleeping girls. There were some teenage boys also with the girls. When the girls stated screaming, this is what the boys did
What is pick up the girls and toss them in the river calling, "Swim or sink!"
A college education was very important to President Monson. This is where he went to college
What is University of Utah
As a new apostle, this was the first temple dedication that President Monson attended.
What is The Oakland California Temple
This is President Monson's favorite flavor of yogurt.
What is lime
When President Monson was a little boy he and his father would do something special for their Uncle who was cripple. His father would carry the uncle and President Monson would always give up his seat so his uncle could see better. He always said that his dad didn't read him the story of the good Samaritan, he showed him. They did this for their uncle.
What is go for rides in the family car
President Monson had 2 friends who often worked together at church. One friend, Barry had a lovely voice, the other, Jack was hearing impaired and spoke unclear. On one Sunday, the 2 deacons needed to do this... but the white card was anywhere to be found. Barry was very embarrassed, because he usually received many compliments on the way he spoke and did this at church. Jack quickly grabby Barry and spoke the words in his ear. Even though he wasn't as clear or his voice wasn't as "beautiful," Jack had this memorized. It was a good lesson in humility and what's more important. The 2 friends were doing this at church
What is blessing the sacrament
WWII was a very scary war, and President Monson, being a healthy young man like so many others enlisted in the military. He was with his father and 44 other young men. The time had come for him to choose where in the military he wanted to serve. He was very unsure, then a thought entered his mind almost as clear as a vision.... he was to ask the military recruiters what they chose. They both chose the Naval Reserve. Tommy said, "If that was good enough for you, it's good enough for me." Because of his choice he did not have to fight in the battles of WWII. He served in the Naval Reserves for this many years.
What is one
President Monson was assigned to supervise the South Pacific Area. Often he would visit the islands for 3 to 5 weeks at a time. While there, this is how he would correspond with people back home in America.
What is by letter... (which was very slow to arrive!!)
President Monson likes to go to a cafe in the Little America Hotel, owned by one of his friends. This is his favorite menu item for lunch.
What is cream soups - especially tomato
He loved this instrument very much as a little boy. He joined a March Corps but didn't know how to play the instrument so he'd just pretend!! One time a child in front of him said, "You're blowing way out of key!" President Monson replied, "No I'm not!! I'm not even blowing!!" He received this instrument for Christmas and still doesn't know how to play.
What is the Bugle
When President Monson was ready to ask his beautiful girlfriend, Frances, to marry him... he first brought the ring home to show his family. On that night, before they went to go out, he brought Frances home for a quick minute. While there, his 4 year old brother Scott shouted really happy, "Tommy has a ring for you Frances!!!" This is was President Monson did to his brother for ruining the surprise
What is forgave him
President Monson worked for a newspaper called the Deseret News. he was in charge of advertisements. The paper was not doing very well, and he was asked to make the paper more successful. This is what he did.
What is do his best! He did so well many national newspaper wanted to know how to do what he did word for word!
In this place, there was a severe drought. When President Monson arrived the first people he met were the stake presidents, President Rivers and President Waters. He thought this was amusing and told his travel companion. His travel companion introduced himself - Elder Brooks. The missionaries who me them at the airport included an Elder Rainey. Even at the hotel, the receptionist could find the reservation until she checked for Thomas s MonSOON! This is where he was traveling
What is Australia
This is what president Monson likes to drink with his meals
What is Milk
When this football team plays, President Monson dons the maize and blue as a true fan. He records football scores, wins, and losses in his journal on New Year's Day. This is his favorite College team.
What is Michigan - A coach, Bo Schembechler made favorable comments about La Vell Edwards and the Church and President Monson has been a long time fan!
This household chore was almost always done by President Monson's wife and rarely by President Monson.
What is change the light bulbs.
President Monson was called as a Bishop at a very young age. He had a wife and children. He often gave up one of his hobbies to work! Whether it was work, his calling, or being a husband and father... President Monson worked!! He often gave up this hobby that he loved so he could work and serve others
What is fishing
President Monson was this old when called to Canada as a mission president.
What is 31
This is President Monson's Birthdate
What is August 21, 1927