The Parties
The Primaries
The Convention
The College
The Candidates
These people are politically "middle of the road"
Who are moderates?
Come one, come all, these primaries allow any voter into them.
What are open primaries?
This is a gathering of the party members and officials to select a parties candidates for the presidency and the vice-presidency.
What is the National Convention.
This group of people is chosen from each state and the District of Columbia to formally select the President and Vice President.
What is Electoral College?
If an incumbent President is seeking another term, his or her party will likely nominate this person.
Who is the President?
If only the Free Ice Cream and Pony Party were bigger then the US would have this type of political system.
What is multiparty system.
They meet, they talk, and then they vote in this type of party election.
What is a caucus?
It's not just about the balloons and bad speeches, at the conventions both parties create this as a statement of party principles and positions on issues?
What is the platform?
This number determines how many electors each state gets for a presidential election.
What is the number of congressional representatives?
It's all about the image, all three of these things can affect a candidate's image to the public.
What are, presidential debates, newspaper and radio reports, television commericals.
Both the Republican and Democratic parties are considered open parties because of this.
What is letting all people join and determine their level of involvement.
Don't worry if you don't win enough primaries, you can still get named the vice presidential candidate if you've got the right characteristics because every party is trying to do this.
What is balance the ticket?
Variety is good, but sometimes people want a clear choice. The nominating stage is important because it does this.
What is sets real limits on the number of choices available. (Makes sure we always have a clear winner)
Winning is winning, but this principle makes electing a President potentially unfair both during the primaries and the general election.
What is winner-take-all?
These are generally required by state law in order to nominate minor party candidates for office.
What are petitions?
Maybe someday the American Beer Party will rise up, but until then the US has this type of political party system.
What is a two party system?
Twenty-four state primaries occur on this one day.
What is Super Tuesday?
The vice presidential candidate is chosen by this person or group.
Who is the presidential candidate?
Alot of votes are cast but you only really win when you earn 270 of these.
What are electoral votes?

Presidential candidates concentrate their campaigns in states that generally have this.

What are large numbers of electoral votes?

Soviet Russia, China, Iraq, all of these are examples of this type of party system.
What is a one-party system? (Where the party is the government).
Be ready to show a membership card outside of these kinds of primaries in order to get in.
What are closed primaries?
Another name for the presidential and vice-presidential candidates.
What is running mates?
Big or small, every state is guarenteed at least this many electors.
What is 3?
During the nomination process, political battles are likely to occur during this time and for this party.
What is the presidential primaries for the party that is out of power?