This father and son pair were separated by one president and one middle initial
Who are George H.W. and George Bush?
Appeared on the One dollar bill
Who is George Washington?
February 12, 1809
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
November 22, 1963
What is the assassination of JFK?
Current Kiwanis President
Who is Craig Neises?
These cousins both ran for a third term. Only one of them won it.
Who are Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt?
Appeared on the five dollar bill
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
February 22, 1732
Who is George Washington?
April 14, 1865
What is Abraham Lincoln's assassination?
First Burlington Kiwanis President
Who was Mark Walsh?
This famous family included multiple presidents, U.S. ambassadors, Secretary of State, historians, U.S. Representatives, a Pulitzer Prize winner, and a close tie to Harvard
Who are the Adams?
Appeared on the $1000 bill
Grover Cleveland
February 9, 1773
Who is William Henry Harrison?
December 29, 2024
What is the death of Jimmy Carter?
Presidential back to back that sounds like a school yard game
Who are Dodge-Prall?
Grandfather and Son, perhaps most distinuished by the noticably short presidential term of the senoir
Who are William Henry Harrison and Benjamin Harrison?
Appeared on the $500 bill
William McKinley
February 6, 1911
Who is Ronald Reagan?
July 4, 1831
What is the date of James Monroe's death?
First Woman President
Who is Lois Blythe?
These Second Cousins both participated in the War of 1812. One as Commander in Chief and one as a captain.
Who are James Madison and Zachary Taylor?
Appeared on the ten dollar bill
Andrew Jackson
February 11, 1731
What is George Washington according to his Julian calendar?
July 4th, 1826
What is the date of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson's death?
Hi, I'm...
Who is George?