Joe Biden
Donald Trump
Barack Obama
Before the Presidency

What did Joe Biden struggle to overcome as a child?

1. A limp

2. A stutter

3. A lazy eye

A stutter


Before he became president, what was Donald Trump?

1. A real estate developer

2. A movie producer

3. A mayor

A real estate developer


What does the name "Barack" mean?

1. One who is blessed

2. One who is swift

3. One who is needed

One who is blessed


This president was a movie star before becoming president--

1. Donald Trump

2. Bill Clinton

3. Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan


This was the president with the most kids--

George Washington

John Tyler

Donald Trump

John Tyler--15


Joe was one of the youngest elected in this category--

1. U.S. senator

2. Governor

3. U.S. representative

U.S. senator


Where was Donald Trump born?

1. Florida

2. Massachusetts

3. New York

New York


Barack Obama shares this quality with Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush--

1. They are all chew tobacco.

2. They are all Republicans.

3. They are all left-handed. 

They are all left-handed.


This president was a community organizer--

1. John Kennedy

2. Jimmy Carter

3. Barack Obama

Barack Obama


The first president to appear on television was

1. Franklin Delano Roosevelt

2. Dwight D. Eisenhower

3. Bill Clinton

Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1939


Before Joe Biden became president, he was vice president to this President--

1. George W. Bush

2. Barak Obama

3. Bill Clinton

Barack Obama


Which movie did Donald Trump act in?

1. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

2. Star Wars: The Last Jedi

3. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

Home alone 2: Lost in New York


True or false: Barack Obama has won Grammy Awards (for the recording industry)

True--Best Spoken Word Albums


This president was a peanut farmer.

1. Gerald Ford

2. George W. Bush

3. Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter


Which president was the first to send an email while in office?

George H.W. Bush

Bill Clinton

George W. Bush

Bill Clinton in 1994


True or false: Biden has a German shepherd named Colonel.

False--the German shepherd's name is Major.


How old was Donald Trump when he was inaugurated as president?

1. 68

2. 70

3. 72



Which award has Barack Obama won?

1. Nobel Peace Prize (international award)

2. Academy Award (movies)

3. Tony Award (theater)

Nobel Peace Prize


Which president owned a men's clothing store in Kansas City?

1. Harry Truman

2. Dwight D. Eisenhower

3. John Kennedy

Harry Truman


Who was the oldest-ever person to be elected president?

George H.W. Bush

Donald Trump

Joe Biden

Joe Biden at 78 years of age


Joe Biden made history when he did one of the following:

1. Chose Kamala Harris to his vice president.

2. Piloted Air Force One, the presidential plane.

3. Became the first Catholic president in U.S. history.

Chose Kamala Harris to be his vice president, the first African American and Indian American woman.


Donald Trump was in a television show called--

1. The Apprentice

2. The Decision-Makers

3. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

The Apprentice


Before Barack Obama married her, Michelle was his mentor at which of the following:

1. A Chicago law firm

2. The Peace Corp

3. Harvard University

A Chicago law firm


Which president was a teacher in Texas?

1. Lyndon B. Johnson

2. Richard Nixon

3. Bill Clinton

Lyndon B. Johnson


Every single president has had a presidential pet while in office except for three: James Polk, Andrew Johnson and--

Barak Obama

Donald Trump

Joe Biden

Donald Trump
