Presidents that was impeached after admitting to having an affair while in office
Bill Clinton
President responsible for the Trickle-Down Economic System
Ronald Reagan
President responsible for the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Harry S. Truman
The president that lived for only thirty days in office
William Henry Harrison
The first president of mixed race
Barack Obama
Richard Nixon
The president that founded the Republican Party
Abraham Lincoln
The president that founded the Democratic party
Andrew Jackson
The president known for an “immortal horse”
George Washington
The only president unable to be honored in the White House due to treason
John Tyler
The first president to be a convicted felon
Donald Trump
The president responsible for making all Native Americans United States citizens
Calvin Coolidge
Franklin Roosevelt
The president in office when the White House would burn down
James Madison
The “first modern president”
Theodore Roosevelt
The first president to be impeached
Andrew Johnson
This president would lead black children into schools after the Supreme Court case of Brown v. Board of Education
Dwight D. Eisenhower
The president who would be in a comatose state and would be nearly unresponsive at the end of his second term before dying in office
Woodrow Wilson
The president that is said to have “worked themselves to death”
James K Polk
The president who would make the word “OK” common slang
Martin Van Buren
The president found responsible for the Teapot Dome scandal after his death in office
Warren Harding
The president to win by one vote and end reconstruction. Later earning a nickname calling him a fraud
Rutherford Hayes
The first president to be elected with two non-consecutive terms
Grover Cleveland
The president given the nickname of “butcher” during the civil war due to his great effectiveness in the war
Ulysses S. Grant
The president who’s son would die before office that his wife would blame on him being in office, he would become an alcoholic during his presidency
Franklin Pierce