Set of laws to safeguard air and water.
What is the Environmental Protection Act (EPA)?
Ford served in this military branch during WWII.
What is the US Navy?
Program used to clean up toxic dumpsites.
What is the Nuclear Regulatory Commission?
Supply-side Economics
What is Reaganomics?
This made it possible to cut military spending due to changes in Europe and the USSR.
What is the end of the Cold War?
Takes steps to protect rare animals
What is the Endangered Species Act?
One of his main concerns was inflation combined with high unemployment.
What is stagflation?
Created to help deal with the oil crisis.
What is the Department of Energy?
First woman nominated to the Supreme Court.
Who is Sandra Day O'Conner?
The invasion of Kuwait and the US response to Saddam Hussein.
What is The Gulf War (Desert Storm)?
Warming of relations between the US and the Soviet Union.
What is Détente?
Signed by most European Countries, Canada, the US, and Soviet Union.
What is the Helsinki Accords?
Required banks to make credit available in poor communities.
What is the Community Reinvestment Act?
Used lasers to shoot down missiles to prevent nuclear attack.
What is the Strategic Defensive Initiative (Star Wars)?
The fall of the Soviet Union and the collapse of the Berlin Wall.
What is the End of the Cold War?
Turned over ground operations to the South Vietnamese.
What is Vietnamization?
Was heavily criticized on television's SNL after this event.
What is falling down the stairs?
Peace talks between Egypt and Israel.
What are the Camp David Accords?
The US has both the will and means to stop aggression.
What is Peace Through Strength?
The invasion of Panama lead to the capture of this central American drug lord.
Who is Manuel Noriega?
Claimed this when asked to turn over evidence during an investigation of his presidency.
What is Executive Privilege?
This made it possible for Ford to become President with out being elected.
What is the 25th Amendment?
Returned control of the all Canal Zone, except the canal itself to Panama.
What is the Panama Canal Treaty?
Sold Arms to Iran in exchange for American Hostages in Lebanon.
What is the Iran-Contra Affair?
Action that possibly cost him re-election
What is raising taxes or third party Candidate Ross Perot?