This president was a navy pilot in ww2.
Who is George H.W Bush?
What kind of tea do Presidents drink.
What is liber-tea?
This not so favorable punishment by law was:
A) Do a good deed for somebody.
B) Scrape used bubble gun off benches
What is do a good deed?
This president served four terms, the most any president has ever serve.
Who was Franklin D Roosevelt?
What would you get if you crossed a vegetable with our first President
What is George Squashington?
avocados and tomato’s are:
A) fruits
B) good objects to throw at people
What is fruit?
This President is the only president from this place.
Where is Georgia?
Where did George Washington buy his first hatchet.
What is the chopping mall?
This past president was a lifeguard, sportscaster and later a famous actor.
Who is Ronald Reagan?
Buried at the Washington National Cathedra, which President was the only one buried in Washington D.C.
Who was Woodrow Wilson?
What would you get if you crossed an ape with the 16th president.
These presidents where the only ones to sign the Declaration of Independenc.
Who was George Washington and James Madison?
This U.S. President was a male model before his Presidency.
Who was Gerald Ford?
Where was the Declaration of Independence signed.
Where is at the bottom?