I was the first president from the Whig Party, held the shortest term of any president and also was the first president to die in office.
A. William Henry Harrison
B. George W. Bush
A. William Henry Harrison
I am the first president of the USA
A. George Washington
B. Benjamin Franklin
A. George Washington
"Yes we can!"
A. Barack Obama
B. Donald Trump
A. Barack Obama
I am on the $20 bill.
A. Gerald Ford
B. Andrew Jackson
B. Andrew Jackson
What is the term used to refer to the President's wife?
The First Lady
I owned slaves while in office, yet I wouldn't expand slavery to newly admitted states. I got sick while celebrating the Fourth of July and died soon after, making me the second president to die in office.
A. Zachary Taylor
B. George Washington
A. Zachary Taylor
They call me the "Great Emancipator"
A. Abraham Lincoln
B. John Adams
A. Abraham Lincoln
"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far"
A. Teddy Roosevelt
B. Ulysses Grant
A. Teddy Roosevelt
My face is on the penny.
A. James Madison
B. Abraham Lincoln
B. Abraham Lincoln
In what state will you find the White House?
Washington D.C.
I was preceded and succeeded by the same president. I was also the only president whose grandfather was a former president.
A. Benjamin Harrison
B. Grover Cleveland
A. Benjamin Harrison
I was part of the famous Rough Riders during the Spanish-American War. I was also the last president to be carved into Mt. Rushmore.
A. Thomas Jefferson
B. Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt
B. Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"
B. Abraham Lincoln
I am on the $50 bill.
A. Ulysses S. Grant
B. John Quincy Adams
A. Ulysses S. Grant
I take over for the president if both he and vice president die
The Speaker of the House
I was the fourth "veep" to succeed a dead president. I was also the only president to have been a school principal.
A. Chester Arthur
B. James A. Garfield
A. Chester A. Arthur
I was the only president to resign from office.
A. Bill Clinton
B. Richard Nixon
B. Richard Nixon
"Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country."
B. Lyndon B. Johnson
I am not a president, but somehow you find my face on the $100 bill
A. Benjamin Franklin
B. John Tyler
A. Benjamin Franklin
The maximum number of years someone can serve as president
I was the first left-handed president as well as the second president to be assassinated.
A. James A. Garfield
B. John F. Kennedy
A. James A. Garfield
I was the second president to be impeached as well as the last president to shake JFK's hand.
A. Donald Trump
B. Bill Clinton
B. Bill Clinton
"Every nation in every region now has a decision to make: Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists."
A. George W. Bush
B. Barack Obama
A. George W. Bush
I am on the $10 bill
A. William McKinley
B. Alexander Hamilton
B. Alexander Hamilton
What is the name of the president's private airplane?
A. Air Force One
B. Trump Force One
A. Air Force One