What is the date of George Washington's birthday?
February 22nd
What is the name of the war that Lincoln was a part of to fight slavery?
The Civil War
Washington's Day
What kind of tea do Presidents drink?
The day Presidents Day was originally celebrated
What is February 22, Washington's actual birthday
In what state would you find Washington's birthplace?
What was Lincoln's occupation before he became President?
Who is the current President and Vice President?
President Donald Trump and Vice President JD Vance
What would you get if you crossed a vegetable with our first President?
George Squashington
The 2 presidents mostly celebrated on Presidents Day.
What is George Washington and Abraham Lincoln
What year did the United States become a nation?
What character trait is Lincoln known to have as part of his nickname? _________ Abe
Which past President earned a living as a movie actor?
Ronald Reagan
Where did George Washington buy his hatchet?
At the chopping Mall
George Washington's nickname
What is the "Father Of His Country"
What type of tree is it that people say George Washington cut down?
Cherry tree
What document is Lincoln known to have created to help stop slavery?
Emancipation Proclamation
Is Presidents' Day a National or State holiday?
What would get if you crossed an ape with the 16th President?
Who else, other than presidents, are celebrated on Presidents Day
What is veterans
What is Washington's nickname?
On which two types of money would you find a picture of Abraham Lincoln?
Hint: One is a coin and the other is a bill.
Penny and $5 bill
What four President's faces are found on Mt. Rushmore?
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln
Thomas Jefferson
Theodor Roosevelt
Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?
At the Bottom
this president tried to run three terms as president
What is Theodore Roosevelt.