What is a cherry tree?
President Donald Trump starred in this reality TV show with his famous catchphrase: "You're fired."
What is The Apprentice?
Who is John F. Kennedy?
According to folklore, this president famously got stuck in the White House bathtub.
Who is William Howard Taft?
Who is Grover Cleveland?
Before he entered the oval office, this president was a movie star in Hollywood.
Who is Ronald Reagan?
The name of Thomas Jefferson's house, which he designed himself. It means "little mountain" in Italian.
What is the Monticello?
Made the Louisiana purchase.
After Abraham Lincoln, he was the second sitting president to be assassinated.
Who is James Garfield?
What is Massachusetts?
Before becoming president, Jimmy Carter was a _______ farmer.
What is peanut?
What is "The Football"?
Who is Dwight D. Eisenhower?
This president received a speeding ticket for riding his horse too fast down a street in Washington, DC.
Who is Ulysses S. Grant?
How tall was Abraham Lincoln?
6 feet 4 in
This is were President Obama went to law school.
What is Harvard University?
The only president to hold a Ph.D.
Who is Woodrow Wilson?
Ordered the first use of the atomic bomb.
Who is Harry Truman?
How many US presidents married their cousin?
Answer: 4.
(Jefferson, FDR, Adams, and Martin Van Buren.)
While in the White House, this president had an extensive collection of pets including guinea pigs, lizards, a badger, and a snake.
Who is Theodore Roosevelt?
During WWII and at age 18, this president became the youngest US Navy pilot in history up until that time.
Who is George H. W. Bush?
This president played football for Michigan and was National Championship MVP in 1933.
Who is Gerald Ford?
This president approved the purchase of Alaska in 1867.
Who is Andrew Johnson?
This president actually proposed to his future wife on their first date.
Who is Richard Nixon? (She said no.)
Name of the Vice President's house.
(hint: not the White House.)
What is 1 Observatory Circle?
(Located on the grounds of the US Naval Observatory in Washington, DC.)