Who is the main character of "Press Start!"
Super Rabbit Boy
Princess Pirate and Robo Bobo
Super Rabbit Boy
I don't like that smelly Rabbit Boy. He likes having fun. I think its fun to kidnap Singing Dog!
King Viking
Boom Boom Factory
Who has been kidnapped the most in all the "Press Start" books so far?
Singing Dog
What character likes throwing things?
Robo Bobo
How does Super Rabbit Boy beat King Viking's robots?
He jumps on their heads.
Cluck cluck cluck cluck. Cluck cluck cluck, cluck cluck. CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK!
What is the name of Super Rabbit Boy's home?
Carrot Castle
This character is just as fast as Super Rabbit Boy. He's blue!
Simon the Hedgehog
Who was in the 3 car pile up?
(extra 100 points if you name all 3)
Super Rabbit Boy, King Viking, and Jody Racer
Who did the robots think Super Rabbit Boy was?
Super Rabbit Boss
We are good. We can cry! Good King Viking made us!
The Robots
What is the name of the place that King Viking attacks with his robot army?
Animal Town
This girl likes to help King Viking when he plans to be a meanie!
Princess Pirate
Who won the Super Cup?
Who were the 3 characters that were kidnapped at the start of the story?
Singing Dog, Simon the Hedgehog, and Celia Crocodile
I am kind, I cant be mean! I made my robots to be kind too!
Good King Viking
When Super Rabbit Boy pushed the button, where did he go?
The Mirror World
This character likes being brave! And he's cute too!
Frog Knight
How many points did Princess Pirate have at the end?
1 point
How did Super Rabbit Boy come to the mirror world?
Through the yellow pipe
La la la la laaaa! la la la laaaaa la la la la la la laaaa!!!
Singing Dog
What is the name of the Sea in Super Rabbit Boy's world?
Sunny Sea