The primary ingredients for creating a bookshelf.
What are books and wooden planks
The firs person Jesus called to follow Him was this man.
Who is Peter?
This second king of Israel found great favor with God.
Who is King David?
The seed represents this in the parable of the sower.
What is the Word of God?
This Kingdom became "frozen" after the queen had a hissy fit.
What is Arandelle?
This block is created when lava comes into contact with water.
What is obsidian?
This apostle was a tax collector before following Jesus.
Who is Matthew?
During the fourth day of creation, God made these wonders.
What are the Sun moon and stars?
In the Good Samaritan, he was the first person to pass by the wounded man.
Who is the priest?
Because Rapunzel didnt have the ability to heal like Jesus, she had to have this magical item.
What is a golden flower?
This is the maximum level for an enchantment table.
What is level 30?
Jesus calmed this raging sea after it woke Him up from a nap.
What is the Sea of Galilee?
This bird was a tasty treat provided by God to the Israelites in the desert.
What is quail?
The house built on this substrate collapsed from a storm.
What is sand?
This large crab put a delay in Moana and Maui's journey.
Who is Tamatoa?
This is the year Minecraft was officially released.
What is 2011?
This Apostle was known as a the "zealot".
Who is Simon
This first son of David did not keep the peace in the family.
Who is Amnon?
The shepherd left behind this many sheep to find the last one.
What is 99?
Probably because of her bad breath, this Prince was turned into a frog after kissing Tiana.
Who is Prince Naveen?
This mob is known for its explosive attacks.
What are creepers?
This town was able to see the first miracle of Jesus.
What is Cana?
She was the only female judge and led the Israelites into victory of the Canaanites.
Who is Deborah?
In the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, the landowner agreed to pay the first workers this much.
What is one denarius?
A red haired archer, turned her mother into this cuddly animal.
What is a bear?